Pregled po projektu: Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining school: Implementing innovations (DIMESEE-2) (MB: --20080)
Pronađeno 1 radova
1.Zrno, Antonija; Bohanek, Vječislav; Borojević Šoštarić Sibila;Development of a Lifelong Learning Course for Rising Innovativeness of Raw Materials Professionals in Eastern and Southeastern Europe // Mater. Proc., 2021, RawMat 2021 International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy / Prof. Anthimos Xenidis, Dr. Evangelos Tzamos and Dr. Konstantinos Simeonidis (ur.).
Atena, Grčka, 2021. str. 1-9 doi:10.3390/MATERPROC2021005097 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)