Pregled po projektu: Further ENhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in drug demand reduction across Europe (FENIQS-EU) (MB: --807038)
Pronađeno 7 radova
1.Ferić, Martina; Serdar, Katarina; Belošević, MateaAssessment of QS application in the EU and implementation needs and challenges (WP2) // FENIQS-EU Final Conference
Prag, Češka Republika, 2023. (predavanje, pp prezentacija, stručni) -
2.Ferić, Martina; Serdar, Katarina; Belošević, Matea; Vanderplasschen, Wouter; Jerković, DijanaBrief report about implementation barriers, needs and challenges across EU, 2022. (izvještaj).
3.Ferić, Martina; Serdar, Katarina; Belošević, Matea; Vanderplasschen, Wouter; Jerković, DijanaCountry sheets on QS implementation, including barriers, needs and challenges – updated version, 2022. (izvještaj).
4.Ferić, Martina; Serdar, Katarina; Belošević, Matea; Vanderplasschen, Wouter; Jerković, DijanaOverview of DDR areas including country-by-country comparison of QS implementation, 2022. (izvještaj).
5.Ferić, Martina; Belošević, Matea; Serdar, Katarina; Jerković, Dijana; Vanderplassschen, WouterState of the Art of Quality Standards implementation in drug demand reduction in Europe // LxAddictions22: Global addictions European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies
Lisabon, Portugal, 2022. str. 1-1 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
6.Feric, Martina; Serdar, Katarina; Belosevic, Matea; Jerkovic, Dijana; Vanderplasschen, WouterMap of the current application of quality standards in the area of prevention in EU countries - results from FENIQS-EU project // 13th EUSPR CONFERENCE AND MEMBERS' MEETING: Prevention Between Ethics and Effectiveness
Talin, Estonija, 2022. str. 30-30 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
7.Belošević, Matea; Ferić, Martina; González-Roz, Alba; Jerković, Dijana; Serdar, Katarina; Vanderplasschen, WouterFurther ENhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Europe (FENIQS-EU): a country-by- country overview // PREVENTION IN A COVID RECOVERY SOCIETY Challenges of planning and implementing prevention approaches in the new normality
online, 2021. str. 48-48 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)