Pregled po projektu: Unapređenje dječjih jezičnih vještina diljem Europe i šire - suradnja usmjerena na intervencije za djecu s poteškoćama u učenju prvog jezika (MB: COST-CAIS1406)
Pronađeno 9 radova
1.Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena; Matić Škorić, AnaDo SLPs consider theory when planning interventions? Investigating key theoretical concepts that drive DLD service delivery in Croatia // International Developmental Language Disorder Research Conference
Sydney, Australija, 2022. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
2.Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena; Matić, AnaDevelopmental Language Disorder in the eyes of independent observers: findings from Croatian contexts // The 1st International Developmental Language Disorder Research Conference 2021 - From Evidence to Impact
Brisbane, Australija, 2021. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
3.Jensen de López, Kristine M.; Lyons, Rena; Novogrodsky, Rama; Baena, Sofia; Feilberg, Julie; Harding, Sam; Kelić, Maja; Klatte, Inge S.; Mantel, Tina C.; Olujić Tomazin, Marina et al.Exploring Parental Perspectives of Childhood Speech and Language Disorders Across 10 Countries: A Pilot Qualitative Study // Journal of speech language and hearing research, 64 (2021), 5; 1739-1747 doi:10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00415 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
4.Kelić, Maja; Roulstone, Sue; Pavičić Dokoza, Katarina; McKean, CristinaEliciting practiticioner decision making with a focus on discharge // Final Conference COST Action IS 1406
Sofija, Bugarska, 2019. (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, neobjavljeni rad, ostalo) -
5.Pavičić Dokoza, Katarina; Tadić, Iva; Kelić, MajaHow are type and severity of language disorder related to intervention? // Final Conference COST Action IS 1406
Sofija, Bugarska, 2019. (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
6.Kelić, Maja; Roulstone, Sue; Pavičić Dokoza, Katarina; McKean, CristinaAttitudes and rules governing work with parents: an exploration of the perspectives of speech and language therapists // RSCLT Conference
Nottingham, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 2019. str. - (poster, recenziran, sažetak, ostalo) -
7.Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena; Pavičić Dokoza, Katarina; Matić, AnaCroatia // Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Theory and Practice across Europe and Beyond / Law, James ; McKean, Cristine ; Murphy, Carole-Ann ; Thordardottir, Elin (ur.).
London : Delhi: Routledge, 2019. str. 169-178 -
8.Kelić, Maja; Roulstone, SusanUsing knowledge elicitation methods to understand the nature and source of variation in speech and language therapists practice/decision-making regarding: dosage of therapy, discharge of children and parent involvement // Taalstaal "Effects of therapy in young and school- age children with developmental language disorders"
Utrecht, Nizozemska, 2017. str. - (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, ostalo) -
9.Matić, Ana; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena; Pavičić Dokoza, KatarinaService delivery and management of language disorders in Croatia – common practice and key issues // Effects of therapy in young and school-age children with developmental language disorders (DLD)
Utrecht, Nizozemska, 2017. str. 22-22 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)