Pregled po projektu: Pouzdani i sigurni kompleksni softverski sustavi: Od empirijskih principa prema teoretskim modelima iz perspektive industrijske primjene (RELYSOFT) (MB: HRZZ-IP-2019-04-4216)
Pronađeno 11 radova
1.Grbac, Neven; Galinac Grbac, TihanaLetter to the editor: on the paper "The double Pareto-Lognormal distribution - a new parametric model for size distributions" and its correction // Communications in statistics : theory and methods (2023) (međunarodna recenzija, online first)
2.Grbac, Neven; Grobner, HaraldSome unexpected phenomena in the Franke filtration of the space of automorphic forms of the general linear group // Israel journal of mathematics (2022) (međunarodna recenzija, prihvaćen)
3.Fonović, Dalibor; Galinac Grbac, TihanaA Quantitative Study of C/C++ FOSS Software Buildability // Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications 2022 / Budimac, Zoran (ur.).
Novi Sad, 2022. 3, 10 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
4.Galinac Grbac, Tihana; Sokolović, Dragan; Kovač, Jurica; Etinger, Darko; Fonović, Dalibor; Kukuljan, Dario; Danijel Simić, Srđan; Tanković, NikolaModeling Complex Software Systems: A Case Study on Sustainable Water Supply Maintenance // Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications 2022 / Budimac, Zoran (ur.).
Novi Sad, 2022. 5, 12 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
5.Šverko, Mladen; Galinac Grbac, Tihana; Mikuc, MiljenkoSCADA Systems With Focus on Continuous Manufacturing and Steel Industry: A Survey on Architectures, Standards, Challenges and Industry 5.0 // IEEE access, 10 (2022), 9907002, 36 doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3211288 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
6.Galinac Grbac, Tihana; Grbac, NevenAlgorithms for Sustainable System Topologies // SusTrainable: Promoting Sustainability as a Fundamental Driver in Software Development Training and Education. Teacher Training, November 1-5, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Revised lecture notes / Koopman, Pieter ; Lubbers, Mart ; Fernandes, Jo ̃ao Paulo (ur.).
Nijmegen: arXiv, 2022. str. 64-72 doi:10.48550/arxiv.2204.13993 (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
7.Galinac Grbac, TihanaSoftware Engineering Meets Software Defined Networks // Proc. of the 2021 Sixth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC)
Gandia, Spain, 2021. str. 1-1 doi:10.1109/FMEC54266.2021.9732536 (plenarno, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
9.Šverko, Mladen; Galinac Grbac, TihanaComplex Systems - Network Component Security of SCADA Systems. // 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) / Koricic, Marko ; Skala, Karolj ; Car, Zeljka ; et al. (ur.).
Opatija: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021. str. 1630-1635 doi:10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9596701 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
10.Grbac, Neven; Schwermer, JoachimEisenstein series for rank one unitary groups and some cohomological applications // Advances in mathematics, 376 (2021), 107438, 48 doi:10.1016/j.aim.2020.107438 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
11.Samardzic, Marko; Sajina, Romeo; Tankovic, Nikola; Galinac Grbac, Tihana;Microservice Performance Degradation Correlation // 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, MIPRO 2020, Opatija, Croatia, September 28 - October 2, 2020. / Koricic, Marko ; Skala, Karolj ; Car, Zeljka ; Cicin-Sain, Marina ; Sruk, Vlado ; Skvorc, Dejan ; Ribaric, Slobodan ; Jerbic, Bojan ; Gros, Stjepan ; Vrdoljak, Boris ; Mauher, Mladen ; Tijan, Edvard ; Katulic, Tihomir ; Pale, Predrag ; Galinac Grbac, Tihana ; Filip Fijan, Nikola ; i drugi (ur.).
Rijeka: Hrvatska udruga za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju, elektroniku i mikroelektroniku - MIPRO, 2021. str. 1623-1626 doi:10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245234 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)