Pregled po projektu: Željeznodobni ženski identiteti u južnom dijelu Karpatske kotline (FEMINE) (MB: HRZZ-IP-2016-06-1749)
Pronađeno 52 radova
1.Ložnjak Dizdar, DariaPrima inter pares: Females in the Early Iron Age in the Middle Danubian Region // 3rd Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology (PeBA) The Mechanism of Power
Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija, 2022. str. 25-26 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
2.Iron Age Female Identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022 (zbornik)
3.Dizdar, Marko; Tonc, AsjaLate la Tène fibulae of the Rakitno-type. Evidence of contacts between the western Balkans and the southern part of the Carpathian basin // Starinar, 72 (2022), 91-107 doi:10.2298/STA2272091D (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
4.Dizdar, Marko; Mehofer, MathiasResults of the archaeometallurgical analysis of the Late Hallsatt and La Tene astragal belts - new insights into technological knowledge of their production // Iron Age female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 102-117 -
5.Dizdar, Marko; Dujmić, DomagojMiddle La Tene graves of women at the cemetery of Osijek - Zeleno polje in eastern Slavonia (Croatia): women's costume and jewellery as a recognizable mark of identity and status // Iron Age female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 62-85 -
6.Barbir, AntonelaAnimal remains in Early Iron Age female burials in the southern Carpathian Basin // Iron Age female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 260-269 -
7.Novak, MarioBioarchaeology of women from Iron Age Lovas // Iron Age Female Identities in the Southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 36-42 -
8.Tonc, AsjaBoat-shaped fibulae of Middle La Tene scheme from the Iapodian territory // Iron Age female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 232-256 -
9.Dizdar, Marko; Ljuština, Marija; Tonc, AsjaLate La Tène knobbed rings and armrings in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin: beloved jewellery and amulets of the Scordiscan women? // Iron Age female identities in the southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 198-231 -
10.Rajić Šikanjić, Petra; Ložnjak Dizdar, DariaBioarchaeology of Females in the Early Iron Age Danube Area - Data and Open Questions // Iron Age Female Identities in the Southern Carpathian Basin / Dizdar, Marko (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za arheologiju, 2022. str. 26-35 -
11.Kovačević SašaPrapovijesna arheološka baština Općine Martijanec i okolice, 2022. (popularni rad).
12.Kovačević SašaMonumental burial mounds in Jalžabet and Martijanec as parts of the Early Iron Age landscape in the Pltivica – Bednja Rivers Basin (NW Croatia) // The Archaeology of Communities and Landscapes in the Carpathian Basin. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Alba Julija, Rumunjska, 2022. (pozvano predavanje, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
13.Ložnjak Dizdar, Daria; Dujmić, Domagoj; Dizdar, MarkoPovijest istraživanja Batine // Batina - tisućljetni svjetionik na Dunavu / Ložnjak Dizdar, Daria ; Dujmić, Domagoj (ur.).
Osijek: Arheološki muzej Osijek, 2021. str. 18-29 -
14.Dizdar, MarkoMiddle La Tène Bronze Fibulae Decorated in Pseudo- filigree and Pseudo-granulation Techniques of the Scordiscan Variant - A Recognizable Feature of the Local Middle La Tène Female Costume // Slovenská archeológia - suppl. 2, 69 (2021), 95-106 doi:10.31577/slovarch.2021.suppl.2.8 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
15.Dizdar, Marko; Drnić, IvanIron belts of the Dalj type – A study of regionalization of the Middle La Tène female costume // Starinar, LXXI (2021), 107-125 doi:10.2298/STA2171107D (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
16.Dizdar, Marko; Kapuran, AleksandarLate Hallstatt female head/hair decoration in the Southern Carpathian Basin. Temple rings of the Ciumbrud and Donja Dolina types // Archaeologia Austriaca, 105 (2021), 149-204 doi:10.1553/archaeologia105s149 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
17.Barbir, AntonelaA feast for the afterlife: animal role in Early Iron Age female burials in southern Carpathian Basin // 9th PZAF: Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum
Beograd, Srbija, 2021. (predavanje, recenziran, pp prezentacija, znanstveni) -
18.Dizdar, Marko; Potrebica, HrvojeGrob iz Donje Doline s krestastim fibulama – odakle, kako i kada su došle do rijeke Save // Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku (2014), 113 (2020), 1; 1-40 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
19.Dizdar, Marko; Ložnjak Dizdar, DariaAnthropomorphic pendants of the Middle La Tène bronze belts: Women who knew what they wore? // Studia honoraria archaeologica. Zbornik radova u prigodi 65. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mirjane Sanader, Dissertationes et Monographiae 9 / Tončinić, Domagoj ; Kaić, Iva ; Matijević, Vinka ; Vukov, Mirna (ur.).
Zagreb: Arheološki zavod Odsjeka za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ; FF Press, 2020. str. 95-110 -
20.Dizdar, MarkoMiddle La Tène Female Grave LT 22 from the Zvonimirovo cemetery – Where did I get this Fibula? // Monumenta marmore aereque perenniora. A Volume Dedicated to Ante Rendić-Miočević, Collectanea Musei Archaeologici Zagrebiensis 3 / Radman-Livaja, Ivan ; Bilić, Tomislav (ur.).
Zagreb: Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, 2020. str. 132-147 -
21.Dizdar, MarkoPredilje s groblja Zvonimirovo-Veliko polje // Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, LIII (2020), 15-49 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
22.Dizdar, MarkoRezultati istraživanja u Lovasu (zapadni Srijem) 2019. godine – Kasnohalštatsko i ranolatensko groblje // Annales Instituti archaeologici, XVI (2020), 18-30 (međunarodna recenzija, prethodno priopćenje, znanstveni)
23.Ložnjak Dizdar, Daria; Rajić Šikanjić, PetraChildhood in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the southern Carpathian Basin // Ages and abilities: the stages of childhood and their social recognition in prehistoric Europe and beyond / Rebay-Salisbury, Katharina ; Pany-Kucera, Doris (ur.).
Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020. str. 107-121 -
24.Fileš Kramberger, Julia Katarina; Potrebica, HrvojeUnravelling the funerary ritual - Early Iron Age mineralized textile remains from Tumulus 6 at Kaptol in Croatia // 26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting - Abstract Book
Prag: European Association of Archaeologists, 2020. str. 11-11 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
25.Fileš Kramberger, JuliaGlinom do tkanine: pribor za izradu tkanine s lokaliteta Sisak-Pogorelac // Arheološka istraživanja u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji - program, sažeci, korisne informacije
Sisak, Hrvatska: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 2020. str. 23-23 (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, sažetak, stručni)