Pregled po projektu: Moderne i suvremene umjetničke mreže, umjetničke grupe i udruženja: Organizacijski i komunikacijski modeli suradničkih umjetničkih praksi 20. i 21. stoljeća (ARTNET) (MB: IP-2013-11-6270)
Pronađeno 61 radova
1.Kolešnik, Ljiljana; Bojić, Nikola; Šilić Artur; Pitol, AndréReconstrução da rede pessoal de Almir Mavignier e sua relação com a primeira exposição Novas Tendências: o exemplo de aplicação de análise e visualização de redes na história da arte. // Porto Arte. Revista de Artes Visuais, 26 (2021), 46; 1-25 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
2.Sekelj, SanjaDigitalna povijest umjetnosti i umjetničke mreže u Hrvatskoj 1990-ih i 2000-ih, 2021., doktorska disertacija, Zadar
3.Tonković, Željka; Sekelj, SanjaFrom Cultural Narratives to Social Structure: A Qualitative Structural Analysis of the Soros Network in Croatia // Scars: Reflections on Art and Society in Central- East Europe in the 1990s. Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts / Sekelj, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institute for Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. str. 30-31 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
4.Sekelj, Sanja; Tonković, ŽeljkaStructure, culture and agency – the position of Soros’ organizations in the Croatian institutional landscape // Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke 2021
Luksemburg, 2021. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
5.Prelog, PetarMiroslav Krleža, Ljubo Babić i Krsto Hegedušić: nekoliko aspekata zagrebačke umjetničke pozornice dvadesetih godina // Zagreb 1924. – 1930. i 1945. – 1967.: društvo, kultura, svakodnevica. Zbornik radova s Desničinih susreta 2018. / Roksandić, Drago (ur.).
Zagreb: FF Press, 2019. str. 165-176 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
6.Kolešnik, LjiljanaOn Digital Art History. The Objectives and the Results of the Project ARTNET // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 6-14 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.01 -
7.Prančević, DaliborBetween Art Nouveau and the Avant-Garde: The Personal (Ego) Network of IvanMeštrović and the Map of Critical Reception of His Work during the 1910s // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 38-62 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.03 -
8.Kolešnik, LjiljanaThe Transition of New Tendencies from Neo-Avant- Garde Subculture to Institutional Mainstream Culture. An Example of Network Analysis. // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 82-122 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.05 -
9.Horvatinčić, SanjaBetween Creativity and Pragmatism: A Structural Analysis and Quantitative Survey of Federal Competitions for Yugoslav Monuments and Memorial Complexes (1955–1980) // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 124-165 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.06 -
10.Kraševac, Irena; Šlosel, PetraNetworking of Central European Artists’ Associations via Exhibitions. The Slovenian Art Association, Czech Mánes and Polish Sztuka in Zagreb in the Early 20th Century // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 16-34 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.02 -
11.Bjažić-Klarin, Tamara; Bojić, NikolaCIAM Network Visualisation – Detecting Ideological Ruptures in the CIAM Discourse // Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 64-82 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.04 -
12.Modern and Contemporary Artists’ Networks. An Inquiry into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić Sanja (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018 (monografija) doi:10.31664/9789537875596
13.Kolešnik, Ljiljana; Šilić, Artur; Bojić, Nikola; Horvatinčić, Sanja; Sekelj, Sanja; Bjažić-Klarin, Tamara; Kraševac, Irena; Prančević, Dalibor; Prelog, Petar; Tonković ŽeljkaCroatian Artists Networks_IS, 2018. (međunarodna recenzija, ostalo).
14.Kolešnik, LjiljanaNegotiating Cold War Divisions – International Artist Networks of the 1950s and Yugoslav Practices of Cultural Exchange // RETHINKING EUROPE: ARTISTIC PRODUCTION AND DISCOURSES OF ART IN THE LATE 1940S AND 1950S
Tübingen, Njemačka, 2018. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, pp prezentacija, znanstveni) -
15.Kolešnik, Ljiljana; Horvatinčić, SanjaCurrent Challenges and Future Prospects of Digital Art History. Lessons Learned at the Project ARTNET // International Conference Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies / Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 37-37 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
16.Kolešnik, LjiljanaMapping Circulation of Ideas, Concepts and Discourses in Modern and Contemporary Art & Architecture – Project Artnet // ENANPARQ V: Arquitetura e Urbanismo no Brasil Actual: Crises, imapsses e desafios
Salvador, Brazil, 2018. (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, ostalo, znanstveni) -
17.Tonković, Željka; Sekelj, SanjaDuality of Structure and Culture: A Network Perspective on the Independent Cultural Scene in Zagreb and the Formation of the WHW Curatorial Collective // Modern and Contemporary Artists' Networks. An Inquiry Into Digital History of Art and Architecture / Kolešnik, Ljiljana ; Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 166-192 doi:10.31664/9789537875596.07 -
18.Prelog, PetarMiroslav Krleža, Ljubo Babić i Krsto Hegedušić: nekoliko aspekata zagrebačke umjetničke pozornice dvadesetih godina // Desničini susreti 2018. Zagreb 1924. – 1930. i 1945. – 1967.: društvo, kultura, svakodnevica. Knjiga sažetaka / Branđolica, Tomislav ; Šimetin Šegvić, Filip (ur.).
Zagreb: FF Press, 2018. str. 60-61 (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, prošireni sažetak, znanstveni) -
19.Prelog, PetarFrom Anxiety to Rebellion: Expressionism in Croatian Art // The Routledge Companion to Expressionism in a Transnational Context / Wünsche, Isabel (ur.).
New York (NY): Routledge, 2018. str. 408-425 doi:10.4324/9781315200088 -
20.Tonković, Željka; Sekelj, SanjaLocal Platforms, Transnational Networks, and the Tactical Organizing of the Independent Cultural Scene in Zagreb // International Conference Digital Art History - Methods, Practices, Epistemologies / Conference Program & Book of Abstracts / Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 6-6 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
21.Bojić, NikolaSystematisation of the human environment // Swamp School Manual vol. II., 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia / Urbonas, Nomeda ; Urbonas, Gediminas (ur.).
Venecija, Italija, 2018. (pozvano predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, neobjavljeni rad, stručni) -
22.Bojić, Nikola; Bjažić-Klarin, TamaraTracing the Ideological Frictions within CIAM as a Case for a Network Analysis // Digital Art History – Methods, Practices, Epistemologies / Horvatinčić, Sanja (ur.).
Zagreb: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, 2018. str. 25-25 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
23.Bojić, NikolaAntroposcenarium // DAI - Zbornik godišnjih aktivnosti Društva arhitekata Istre / Jurcan, Emil (ur.).
Pula: Društvo arhitekata Istre, 2018. str. 173-183 -
24.Bojić, NikolaDiocletian’s palace in the post-war architectural discourse of the team 10 // Liminal spaces of art between Europe and the Middle East / Prijatelj Pavičić, Ivana ; Vicelja Matijašić, Marina ; Germ, Martin ; Cerkovnik, Gašper ; Meke, Katra ; Babnik, Ines ; Díaz Fernández, Nina (ur.).
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. str. 12-27 -
25.Bojić, NikolaSocial and Physical Planning: Two Approaches to the Territorial Production in the Socialist Yugoslavia Between 1955 and 1963 // Architectural histories, 6(1) (2018), 25; 1-14 doi:10.5334/ah.309 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)