Pregled po projektu: Algebarske i kombinatorne metode u teoriji verteks algebri (ACMVAT) (MB: HRZZ-IP-2013-11-2634)
Pronađeno 65 radova
26.Radobolja, GordanConstruction of intertwining operators and logarithmic modules for Heisenberg-Virasoro vertex algebra at level zero and $W(2,2)$- algebra // Representation Theory XV
Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 2017. (pozvano predavanje, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
27.Radobolja, GordanOn free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero and W-algebra W(2,2) // The XXVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries
Prag, Češka Republika, 2017. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
28.Adamović, Dražen; Kac, Victor G.; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi; Papi, P.; Perše, OzrenConformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in W-algebras ant their applications // Workshop on “Geometry and Representation Theory”
Beč, Austrija, 2017. str. 2-2 (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, ostalo) -
29.Adamović, DraženConformal embeddings and the representation theory of affine vertex operator algebras // VOA and related topics
Osaka, Japan, 2017. (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
30.Adamović, Dražen; Kac, Victor G.; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi; Papi, Paolo; Perše, OzrenConformal embeddings and the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at negative integer levels // Colloquim talk at School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai JiaoTong University
Šangaj, Kina, 2017. str. 1-1 (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
31.Adamović, DraženOn Wakimoto and Whittaker modules for affine vertex operator algebras // Seminar at School of Mathematics, Xiamen University
Xiamen, Kina, 2017. str. 1-1 (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
32.Adamović, DraženOn realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules // Affine, Vertex and W-algebras
Rim, Italija, 2017. str. 2-2 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
33.Butorac, MarijanaQuasi-particle bases of principal subspaces of the affine Lie algebra of type $G_2^{; ; (1)}; ; $ // Glasnik matematički, 52 (2017), 1; 79-98 doi:10.3336/gm.52.1.06 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
34.Adamović, Dražen; Milas, AntunSome applications and constructions of intertwining operators in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory // Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Related Topics / Barron, Katrina ; Jurisich, Elizabeth ; Milas, Antun ; Misra, Kailash (ur.)., 2017. str. 15-27
35.Adamović, DraženA note on the affine vertex algebra associated to gl(1/1) at the critical level and its generalizations // Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti, 532 (2017), 21; 76-88 doi:10.21857/yrvgqtpk89 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
36.Adamović, Dražen; Perše, OzrenOn Extensions of Affine Vertex Algebras at Half-Integer Levels // Perspectives in Lie Theory. Springer INdAM Series, vol 19. Springer, Cham / Callegaro, F. ; Carnovale, G. ; Caselli, F. ; De Concini, C. ; De Sole, A. (ur.).
Cham: Springer, 2017. str. 281-298 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58971-8_7 -
37.Kožić, Slaven; Molev, AlexanderCenter of the quantum affine vertex algebra associated with trigonometric R-matrix // Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical, 50 (2017), 325201, 21 doi:10.1088/1751-8121/aa7af6 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
38.Kožić, SlavenHigher level vertex operators for Uq(sl^2) // Selecta mathematica, New series, 23 (2017), 4; 2397-2436 doi:10.1007/s00029-017-0348-0 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
39.Adamović, Dražen; Kac, Victor; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi; Papi, Paolo; Perše, OzrenConformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras II: decompositions // Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 12 (2017), 2; 261-315 doi:10.1007/s11537-017-1621-x (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
40.Adamović, Dražen; Jing, Naihuan; Misra, Kailash C.On principal realization of modules for the affine Lie algebra $A_1 ^{;;; ; ; (1)};;; ; ; $ at the critical level // Transactions of the American mathematical society, 369 (2017), 7; 5113-5136 doi:10.1090/tran/7009 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
41.Kožić, SlavenA note on the zeroth products of Frenkel–Jing operators // Journal of algebra and its applications, 16 (2017), 2; 1750053, 25 doi:10.1142/S0219498817500530 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
42.Radobolja, GordanFree field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and W(2,2)-algebra and applications to representation theory // Representation Theory Conference
Uppsala, Švedska, 2016. (predavanje, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
43.Radobolja, GordanOn free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro and W(2,2) algebras // 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress
Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2016. (predavanje, domaća recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
44.Adamović, DraženOn the representation theory of affine vertex algebras and W-algebras // 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress
Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2016. str. 1-1 (plenarno, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
45.Adamović, DraženConformal embeddings and realizations of certain simple W-algebras // Vertex Algebras and Quantum Groups
Banff, Kanada, 2016. str. 7-7 (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
46.Adamović, DraženOn vertex algebraic constructions of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules // North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar
Raleigh (NC), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2016. (predavanje, podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni) -
47.Adamović, DraženOn Wakimoto and Whittaker modules for affine vertex algebras // Special Session on Representations of Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups and Related Topics, Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, North Carolina State University.
Raleigh (NC), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2016. str. 1-1 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, ostalo) -
48.Adamović, Dražen; Radobolja, GordanOn Free Field Realizations of W(2, 2)-Modules // Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications, 12 (2016), 113, 13 doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2016.113 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
49.Primc, Mirko; Šikić, TomislavCombinatorial bases of basic modules for affine Lie algebras C_{;; ; ; n};; ; ; ^{;; ; ; (1)};; ; ; // Journal of mathematical physics, 57 (2016), 9; 091701-1 doi:10.1063/1.4962392 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
50.Butorac, MarijanaQuasi-particle bases of principal subspaces for the affine Lie algebras of types $B_l^{; ; ; (1)}; ; ; $ and $C_l^{; ; ; (1)}; ; ; $ // Glasnik matematički, 51 (2016), 1; 59-108 doi:10.3336/gm.51.1.05 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)