Pregled po projektu: Eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja potresne otpornosti građevina (MB: MZO-ZP-083-0000000-1538)
Pronađeno 273 radova
1.Smilović Zulim, Marija; Radnić, JureAnisotropy Effect of Masonry on the Behaviour and Bearing Capacity of Masonry Walls // Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 (2020), 5676901, 14 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
2.Smilović Zulim, Marija; Radnić, Jure; Harapin, AlenShear effect on seismic behaviour of masonry walls // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50 (2019), 5; 565-579 doi:10.1002/mawe.201800185 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
3.Baloevic, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgic, Nikola.Numerical model for dynamic analysis of masonry‐ infilled steel and concrete frames // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50 (2019), 5; 519-532 doi:10.1002/mawe.201900006 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
4.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, NikolaNumerical model for dynamic analysis of masonry- infilled steel and concrete frames // 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2018
Amsterdam, Nizozemska, 2018. str. 1-1 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
5.Grgić, Nikola; Radnić, Jure; Baloević, GoranThe effect of the slenderness on the behavior of concrete cantilever columns under an earthquake // 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2018
Amsterdam, Nizozemska, 2018. str. 1-1 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
6.Smilovic Zulim, Marija; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Baloević, GoranEffect of anisotropy of masonry on the behaviour of unreinforced and confined masonry walls under ground motion // Engineering Design Applications / Öchsner, Andreas ; Altenbach, Holm (ur.).
Heidelberg: Springer, 2018. str. 173-183 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-79005-3 -
7.Grgić, Nikola; Radnić, Jure; Smilović, Marija; Baloević, GoranThe shake‐table study of the effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the behavior of concrete cantilever columns // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 49 (2018), 5; 606-618 doi:10.1002/mawe.201700246 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
8.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, DomagojBehavior of fiber reinforced mortar composites under impact load // Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 15 (2018), 2; 1-13 doi:10.1590/1679-78254168 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
9.Grgić, Nikola; Radnić, Jure; Smilović, Marija; Baloević, GoranThe study on the effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the behavior of concrete cantilever column on a shake-table // 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2017
Beč, Austrija, 2017. str. 1-1 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
10.Grgić, Nikola; Radnić, Jure; Matešan, Domagoj; Banović, IvanStirrups effect on the behavior of concrete columns during an earthquake // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 48 (2017), 5; 406-419 doi:10.1002/mawe.201700014 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
11.Smilović, Marija; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Baloević, GoranEffect of anisotropy of masonry on the behaviour of unreinforced and confined masonry walls under ground motion // 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X2017
Beč, Austrija, 2017. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
12.Radnić, Jure; Borovina, Frane; Borovina, Berislav; Mlinar, Ante; Smilović, Marija; Grgić, NikolaRetrofitting of the three historic stone arch bridges over the Cetina River in Croatia // Structural engineering international, 27 (2017), 3; 449-453 doi:10.2749/222137917X14881938991320 (recenziran, članak, stručni)
13.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, DomagojShake-table study of plaster effects on the behavior of masonry-infilled steel frames // Steel and composite structures, 23 (2017), 2; 195-204 doi:10.12989/scs.2017.23.2.195 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
14.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Matešan, Domagoj; Banović, IvanBehaviour of fibre reinforced cement composites under impact loading // 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2016
Split, Hrvatska, 2016. str. 1-1 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
15.Smilović, Marija; Radnić, Jure; Baloević, GoranShear effect on the limit bearing capacity of masonry walls // ACEX-2016
Split, Hrvatska, 2016. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
16.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Matešan, Domagoj; Grgić, Nikola; Banović, IvanComparison of developed numerical macro and micro masonry models for static and dynamic analysis of masonry-infilled steel frames // Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 13 (2016), 12; 2251-2265 doi:10.1590/1679-78252520 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
17.Radnić, Jure; Markić, Radoslav; Grgić, Nikola; Glibić, Mladen; Banović, IvanComparison of numerical models for nonlinear static analysis of planar concrete frames based on 1D and 2D finite elements // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Volume 47 (2016), Issue 5-6; 369-581 doi:10.1002/mawe.201600523 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
18.Grgić, Nikola; Radnić, Jure; Matešan, Domagoj; Buzov, AnteEffect of mass on the behavior of concrete columns under seismic load // Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 47 (2016), 5/6; 483-494 doi:10.1002/mawe.201600524 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
19.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, Domagoj; Smilović, MarijaNumerical model for nonlinear analysis of composite concrete-steel-masonry bridges // Coupled systems mechanics, 5 (2016), 1; 1-20 doi:10.12989/csm.2016.5.1.001 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
20.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, DomagojThe application of a reinforced plaster mortar for seismic strengthening of masonry structures // Composites. Part B, Engineering, 93 (2016), 190-202 doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.03.007 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
21.Radnić, Jure; Markić, Radoslav; Glibić, Mladen; Ćubela, Dragan; Grgić, NikolaExperimental testing of concrete beams with different levels of prestressing // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Eengineers. Part L : journal of materials : design and applications, 230 (2016), 3(S.I.); 760-779 doi:10.1177/1464420715585069 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
22.Baloević, GoranEksperimentalno ispitivanje i numeričko modeliranje konstrukcija pod potresnim i udarnim opterećenjem // Zbornik sažetaka UniSTem pico / Breški, Deana ; Andrić, Ivo ; Torić, Neno ; Trogrlić, Boris (ur.).
Split: Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2015. str. 7-7 (predavanje, sažetak, znanstveni) -
23.Baloević, GoranDinamička ispitivanja čeličnih okvira sa ožbukanom zidanom ispunom // Zbornik sažetaka Trećeg skupa mladih istraživača iz područja građevinarstva i srodnih tehničkih znanosti / Lovrić, Ivan ; Vrdoljak, Anton (ur.).
Mostar, 2015. str. 9-10 (predavanje, prošireni sažetak, znanstveni) -
24.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, DomagojNumerical model for dynamic analysis of concrete and steel frames infilled with plastered masonry // Proceedings "ECCOMAS MSF 2015"
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2015. str. 15-30 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni) -
25.Baloević, Goran; Radnić, Jure; Grgić, Nikola; Matešan, DomagojShake-table tests and numerical simulation of plastered masonry-infilled steel frames with openings // Book of Abstracts "ICCS 18"
Lisabon, Portugal, 2015. str. 67-67 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)