Pregled po projektu: Konvergencija prava, pristupanje EU i pravna kultura - javnopravna dimenzija (MB: MZOS-066-0661428-1101)
Pronađeno 149 radova
1.Mataija, MislavCompetition law implications of private regulation in lifestyle policy // Private Regulation and the Internal Market: Sports, Legal Services, and Standard Setting in EU Economic Law / Mataija, Mislav (ur.).
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. str. 63-113 -
2.Rodin, Siniša; Perišin, TamaraApplication of International Law as a Litmus Test for the Application of EU Law in Southeast Europe // Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe / Rodin, Siniša, Perišin, Tamara (ur.).
Heidelberg : New York (NY): Springer, 2015. str. 3-8 -
3.Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe / Rodin, Siniša ; Perišin, Tamara (ur.). Heidelberg : New York (NY): Springer, 2015 (ostalo)
4.Mataija, MislavThe Unfulfilled Potential of Stabilisation and Association Agreements before SEE Courts // Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe / Rodin, Siniša ; Perišin, Tamara (ur.).
Berlin: Springer, 2015. str. 11-30 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46384-0_2 -
5.Božac, Ivana; Carević, MelitaJudicial Application of International and EU Law in Croatia // Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe / Rodin, Siniša ; Perišin, Tamara (ur.).
Berlin : Heidelberg: Springer, 2015. str. 135-163 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46384-0_8 -
6.Perišin, TamaraEU Regulatory Policy and World Trade: Should All EU Institutions Care What the World Thinks? // European constitutional law review, 11 (2015), 1; 99-120 doi:10.1017/S1574019615000073 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
7.Perišin, TamaraJudicial Application of WTO Law in Southeast Europe // Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe / Rodin, Siniša ; Perišin, Tamara (ur.).
Heidelberg : New York (NY): Springer, 2015. str. 31-41 -
8.Vasiljević, SnježanaEquality and non-discrimination principle in the context of the Croatian membership in the EU // New Perspecttives of South East European Public Law / Barić, Sanja ; Bačić Petar, Garadašević, Đorđe i dr. (ur.).
Skopje: Mreža pravnih fakulteta jugoistočne Europe (SEELS), 2014. str. 51-65 -
9.Vasiljević, SnježanaUnion citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges. Croatian National Report, 2014. (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, izvještaj).
10.Perišin, TamaraPending EU Disputes in The WTO: Challenges to EU Energy Law And Policy, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy // Croatian yearbook of European law & policy, 10 (2014), 1; 372-381 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
11.Perišin, TamaraTransatlantic Trade Disputes on Health, Environmental and Animal Welfare Standards: Background to Regulatory Divergence and Possible Solutions // Croatian yearbook of European law & policy, 10 (2014), 249-268 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
12.Vasiljević, SnježanaPriručnik o prepoznavanju diskriminacije osoba s invaliditetom i mogućnostima zaštite njihovih prava, 2014. (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, popularni rad).
13.Goldner Lang, IrisThe Reach of EU Citizenship Rights for “Static” EU Citizens // Movement of Persons and Tax Mobility in the EU: Changing Winds / Dourado, Ana Paula (ur.).
Lisabon: International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), 2014. str. 307-328 -
14.Goldner Lang, Iris; Lang, MarojeThe Economic and Monetary Union: Croatia - National Report // The Economic and Monetary Union: Constitutional and Institutional Aspects of the Economic Governance Within the EU / Neergaard, Ulla ; Jacqueson, Catherine ; Danielsen, Jens Hartig (ur.).
Kopenhagen: DJOF Publishing, 2014. str. 280-291 -
15.Popović, Nikola; Kuhta, FilipPublic Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes ; Croatian Report // Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes / Ulla Neergaard, Cathrine Jacqson, Grith Skogaard Olykke (ur.).
Kopenhagen: DJOF Publishing, 2014. str. 255-272 -
16.Vasiljević, SnježanaIzazovi suvremenog antidiskriminacijskog prava: svjetlo na kraju tunela? // Perspektive antidiskriminacijskog prava / Potočnjak, Željko ; Grgurev, Ivana ; Grgić, Andrea (ur.).
Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2014. str. 267-308 -
17.Ćapeta, TamaraPromjene u nadležnostima Suda EU tri godine po stupanju na snagu Ugovora iz Lisabona // Djelotvorna pravna zaštita u pravičnom postupku, Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika / Uzelac, Alan ; Garašić, Jasnica ; Maganić, Aleksandra (ur.).
Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2013. str. 743-770 -
18.Vasiljević, SnježanaVaša Europa, vaša prava: Što znači biti državljaninom EU-a?
Zagreb: Udruga općina u Republici Hrvatskoj, 2013 -
19.Vasiljević, SnjezanaDiscrimination unveiled: the intersection between gender and ethnicity in the Croatian political arena - the case of minority women // Levelling the playing field. Monitoring Croatian policies to promote gender equality in politics. / Vasiljević, S., Deželan, T., Pešut, J., Siročić, Z., Fink-Hafner, D., Sutlović, L., Krašovec, A., Krupljan, S., Velić, A. (ur.).
Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani, 2013. str. 101-122 -
20.Deželan, Tomaž; Krašovec Alenka; Vasiljević, SnježanaMonitoring of Croatian anti-discriminative policies with regards to the balanced political participation of women and men: with a special focus on implementation of gender quotas and their effect., 2013. (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, ekspertiza).
21.Vasiljević, SnježanaGender equality and non-discrimination principle in the context of the Croatian Accession to the EU // Mind the Gap - Family Socialization and Gender
Beograd, Srbija, 2013. (predavanje, pp prezentacija, znanstveni) -
22.Vasiljević, SnježanaChallenges of the Modern Anti-discrimination Law - Light at the End of the Tunnel? // UACES 43rd Annual Conference
Leeds, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 2013. (pozvano predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, ostalo) -
23.Rodin, SinišaZlatne dionice i sloboda kretanja kapitala u Europskoj uniji // Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika : zbornik radova u čast 70. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mihajla Dike / Uzelac, Alan ; Garašić, Jasnica ; Maganić, Aleksandra (ur.).
Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2013. str. 783-802 -
24.Perišin, TamaraEU Regulatory Policy and the WTO // Trade liberalisation and standardisation – new directions in the ‘low politics’ of EU foreign policy ; CLEER - EUI Working Paper Series, 2013/6 / M. Cremona, T. Takacs (eds) (ur.).
Den Haag: CLEER - T.M.C. Asser Instituute, 2013. str. 45-55 -
25.Perišin, TamaraIs the EU seal products regulation a sealed deal? EU and WTO challenges // International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 62 (2013), 2; 373-405 doi:10.1017/S0020589313000079 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)