Pregled po projektu: DENTALNE TRAUME U DJECE: PREVENCIJA I LIJEČENJE (MB: MZOS-065-0653147-1197)
Pronađeno 55 radova
1.Ambarkova, Vesna; Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Jankulovska, Mira; Škrinjaric, IlijaEffect of the Fluoride Varnishes Comparing to CPP-ACP Complex on Human Enamel Demineralization/Remineralization // International Dental Journal 2013 ; 63 (Suppl. 1) / Stephen Hancocks, OBE (ur.).
Istanbul, Turska: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. str. 184-184 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
2.Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Čuković-Bagić, Ivana; Goršeta, Kristina; Verzak, Zeljko; Škrinjarić, IlijaSocioeconomic Status and Dental Injury Repetition in Children // Acta stomatologica Croatica, 47 (2013), 2; 154-162 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
3.Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Škrinjarić, IlijaEffects of Storage Media on the Flexural Strength of GIC // Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the IADR Continental European Division-CED with the Scandinavian Division-NOF ; u: Journal od Dental Research 92 (2013) (S.I. C) ; No. 25
Firenca, Italija, 2013. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
4.Ambarkova, Vesna; Goršeta, Kristina; Jankulovska, Mira; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaEffect of the Fluoride Gels and Varnishes Comparing to CPP-ACP Complex on Human Enamel Demineralization/Remineralization // Acta stomatologica Croatica, 47 (2013), 2; 99-110 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
5.Soldo, Mirko; Simeon, Paris; Matijević, Jurica; Glavina, Domagoj; Illeš, Davor; Jukić Krmek, SilvanaMarginal leakage of class V cavities restored with silorane-based and methacrylate-based resin systems // Dental materials journal, 32 (2013), 5; 853-858 doi:10.4012/dmj.2012-318 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
6.Ambarkova, Vesna; Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaEffect of the fluoride gels and varnishes comparing to CPP-ACP complex on human enamel demineralization/remineralization // 6th Macedonian Dental Congress with international participation
Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija, 2012. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
7.Goršeta, Kristina; Ambarkova, Vesna; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaEffect of dentifrices pH on enamel remineralization in vitro // Abstract book of 11th EAPD Congress 2012
Strasbourg, Francuska, 2012. str. 18-18 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
8.Ulovec, Zlatko; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Jukić, Jelka; Skoko-Poljak, Dunja; Roksandić Vrančić, ZlatkaMinor Physical Anomalies in Children with Hearing Impairment and Normal Controls // Collegium antropologicum, 36 (2012), 4; 1257-1264 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
9.Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Čuković-Bagić, Ivana; Škrinjarić, Ilija; Verzak, ŽeljkoINJURY REPETITION IN CHILDREN WITH DENTAL TRAUMA: THE ROLE OF HOST FACTORS // 11th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, Strasbourg, France. Programme and Abstracts.
Strasbourg, Francuska, 2012. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
10.Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaThe influence of ultrasonic excitation and heat application on the microleakage of glass ionomer cements // Australian dental journal, 57 (2012), 4; 453-457 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2012.01724.x (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
11.Goršeta, Kristina; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Glavina, DomagojThe effect of heating and ultrasound on the shear bond strength of glass ionomer cement // Collegium antropologicum, 36 (2012), 4; 1307-1312 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
12.Glavina, Domagoj; Goršeta , Kristina; Škrinjarić, Ilija; Negovetić-Vranić, Dubravka; Mehulić, Ketij; Kožul, KarloEffect of LGG yoghurt on Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. salivary counts in children // Collegium antropologicum, 36 (2012), 1; 129-132 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
13.Ulovec, Zlatko : Jukić, Jelka : Škrinjarić, Tomislav : Goršeta, KristinaMinor physical anomalies in children with mental retardation, hearing and vision impairment // Final Program and Abstracts of the 7th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine / Schanfield M, Primorac D, Vuk-Pavlović S (ur.).
Zagreb: ISABS – International Society for Applied Biological Sciences, 2011. str. 301-301 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
14.Skelo, Blanka; Shahini, Klaudeta; Goršeta, KristinaPrimjena nano-ionomernih cemenata u stomatologiji // Sonda : list studenata Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 12 (2011), 22; 20-23 (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, članak, stručni)
15.Ambarkova, Vesna; Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaThe role of different fluoridated dentifrice formulations in enamel remineralisation in vitro // International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, Volume 21, Issue Supplement s1 / Deery, Chris (ur.).
Atena, Grčka: BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011. str. 18-18 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
16.Glavina, Domagoj; Goršeta, Kristina; Škrinjarić, IlijaRetention of glass carbomer fissure sealant after 12 months of clinical trial // International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, Volume 21, Issue Supplement s1, / Deery, Chris (ur.).
Atena, Grčka: BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011. str. 104-104 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
17.Ambarkova, Vesna; Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, IlijaThe Effect of Fluoridated Dentifrice Formulations on Enamel Remineralisation and Microhardness after in Vitro Demineralization // Acta stomatologica Croatica, 45 (2011), 3; 159-165 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
18.Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Čuković-Bagić, Ivana; Škrinjarić, Ilija; Verzak, ŽeljkoHost factors and traumatic dental injuries in children : the role of aggressive behaviour // Bbstracts of the 23rd Congress of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry ; u: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 21 (2011) (S1) ; Poster sessions 67-261
Atena, Grčka: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. str. 233-233 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
19.Glavina, Domagoj; Mahović, Sanjin; Goršeta, KristinaInfluence of polishing technique on surface quality parameters of Cerec Vita Mark 2 ceramic inlays // Dental Traumatology
Verona, Italija, 2010. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, ostalo) -
20.Škrinjarić, Ilija; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Goršeta, Kristina; Čuković-Bagić, Ivana; Verzak, ŽeljkoHitni i preventivni postupci kod trauma zuba u djece // Paediatria Croatica. Supplement, 54 (2010), S1; 154-162 (recenziran, članak, stručni)
21.Glavina, Domagoj; Goršeta, Kristina; Negovetić Vranić, Dubravka; Škrinjarić, IlijaRetention of Glasscarbomer Sealant After 6 Months of Clinical Trial // J Dent Res, Issue 89(Spec Iss B):
Barcelona, Španjolska, 2010. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
22.Goršeta, Kristina; Glavina, Domagoj; Negovetić Vranić, Dubravka; Škrinjarić, IlijaMicrohardness of the New Developed GlassCarbomer Cement // J Dent Res, Issue 89(Spec Iss B):
Barcelona, Španjolska, 2010. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
23.Goršeta, Kristina; Vidović, Dina; Glavina, Domagoj; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Skrinjaric, IlijaTae kwon do coaches knowledge about prevention and management of dental trauma // Dental Traumatology 2010
Verona, Italija, 2010. (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
24.Glavina, DomagojProbiotički proizvodi u prevenciji karijesa // Paediatria Croatica, 54 (2010), Supl 1; 169-175 (recenziran, članak, stručni)
25.Goršeta, Kristina; Negovetić Vranić, Dubravka; Škrinjarić, Tomislav; Glavina, DomagojTraumatic Injuries of Primary Teeth: Analysis of Types and Causes // Acta stomatologica Croatica, 44 (2010), 1; 47-52 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, stručni)