Pregled po projektu: Imunološki mehanizmi u žena s patološkim trudnoćama (MB: MZOS-062-0620402-0379)
Pronađeno 48 radova
1.Redžović, Arnela; Gulić, Tamara; Laškarin, Gordana; Eminović, Senija; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielHeat shock proteins 70 induce pro-inflammatory maturation program in decidual CD1a+ dendritic cells // American journal of reproductive immunology, 74 (2015), 1; 38-53 doi:10.1111/aji.12374 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
2.Kristofic, Ines: Redžović, Arnela; Laškarin, Gordana; Eminović, Senij; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielRole of tumour-associated glycoprotein-72 in the progression of endometrial adenocarcinoma: a proposed study // Medical hypotheses, 84 (2015), 5; 413-416 doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2014.10.017 (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, članak, znanstveni)
3.Gulić, TamaraUtjecaj bjelančevine toplinskog šoka 70 i glikoproteina 96 na sazrijevanje decidualnih CD1a+ dendritičkih stanica prvog tromjesečja trudnoće, 2014., doktorska disertacija, Medicinski fakultet, Rijeka
4.Glavan Gacanin, LANA; Gulic, Tamara; Laskarin, Gordana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielThe significance of gp96 and Toll-Like Receptor 4 expression at the maternal-fetal interface of early pathological pregnancies // Book of abstracts / Polić, Bojan (ur.).
Rijeka: Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, 2014. str. 67-68 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
5.Dominovic, Marin; Gulic, Tamara; Glavan Gacanin, Lana; Laskarin, Gordana; Szekeres Bartho, Julia; Rukavina, DanielEffect of Heat shock protein 70 on granulysin and perforin expression in normal human first trimester decidual NK cells // Book of abstracts / Polić, Bojan (ur.).
Rijeka: Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, 2014. str. 57-58 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
6.Gulic, Tamara; Laskarin, Gordana; Glavan Gacanin, Lana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielMODULATION OF HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 70 AND CD91 EXPRESSION WITH THE SPECIFIC ACTION OF PROGERSTERONE, INTERLEUKIN 2 AND INTERLEUKIN 15 IN DECIDUAL MONONUCLEAR CELLS. // Book of abstracts / Polić, Bojan (ur.).
Rijeka: Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, 2014. str. 30-30 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
7.Dominović, Marin; Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela; Laškarin, Gordana; Glavan Gačanin, Lana; Rukavina, Daniel.Granulysin expression and colocalization with perforin in decidual and peripheral blood lymphocytes of the first trimester pregnancy // Journal of Reproductive Immunology / Saito, Shigeru ; Robillard, Pierre-Yves (ur.).
Lahti: Elsevier, 2014. str. 50-50 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
8.Glavan Gacanin, Lana; Gulić, Tamara; Laškarin, Gordana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, Daniel.Presensce of gp96, both forms of Hsp70 and their receptors CD91 and TLR4 at maternal-fetal interface of blighted ovum and missed abortion // Journal of Reproductive Immunology / Arck, Petra. Branch, Ware D. Saito Shigeru. (ur.).
Lahti: Elsevier, 2014. str. 50-50 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
9.Rukavina, Daniel; Laškarin, Gordana; Gulić, Tamara; Glavan Gačanin, Lana; Haller, HermanRegulation of glycoprotein 96 and CD91 with specific action of progesterone, interleukin 2 and interleukin 15 in the first trimester decidual leucocytes // Journal of Reproductive Immunology / Saito, Shigeru ; Robillard, Pierre-Yves (ur.).
Lahti: Elsevier, 2014. str. 55-55 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
10.Gulić, Tamara; Laškarin, Gordana; Glavan Gačanin, Lana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielProgesterone-induced blocking factor affects the expression of Hsp70 family members and TLR4 at normal early pregnancy implantation site // Abstracts of rhe 11th Congress of the European and Hungarian Society for Reproductive Immunology ; u: Journal of Reproductive immunology 101/102 (2014) / Saito, Shigeru ; Robillard, Pierre-Yves (ur.).
Lahti: Elsevier, 2014. str. 51-51 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
11.Gulic, T; Redzovic, A; Laskarin, G; Glavan Gacanin, L; Haller, H; Rukavina, DPOSSIBLE INTERACTION OF GP96 AND ITS RECEPTORS CD91 AT THE MATERNAL FETAL INTERFACE // Immune system: genes, receptors and regulation, Abstract book / Busslinger, Meinrad (ur.).
Rijeka: Medicinski fakultet, Rijeka, 2013. str. 66-67 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
12.Redžović, Arnela; Laškarin, Gordana; Dominović, Marin; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielMucins help to avoid alloreactivity at the maternal fetal interface // Clinical & developmental immunology, (2013), 542152-1 doi:10.1155/2013/542152 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
13.Gulić, Tamara; Laškarin, Gordana; Redžović, Arnela; Eminović, Senija; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielThe significance of heat-shock protein gp96 and its receptors' CD91 and Toll-like receptor 4 expression at the maternal foetal interface // American journal of reproductive immunology, 70 (2013), 1; 10-23 doi:10.1111/aji.12096 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
14.Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela; Dominović, Marin; Gulić, Tamara; Mahmutefendic, Hana; Haller, Herman; Saito, S.; Rukavina, DanielGranulysin expression and the interplay of granulysin and perforin at the maternal-fetal interface // Journal of reproductive immunology, 97 (2013), 2; 186-196 doi:10.1016/j.jri.2012.11.003 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
15.Haller, Herman; Krašević, Maja; Mamula, Ozren; Brnčić-Fischer, Alemka; Eminović, Senija; Manestar, MiljenkoTreatment and outcome of stage Ia1 squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix // International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics, 113 (2011), 1; 72-75 doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2010.10.027 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
16.Haller, Herman; Mamula, Ozren; Krašević, Maja; Rupčić, Stanislav; Brčić Fischer, Alemka; Eminović, Senija; Manestar, Miljenko; Perović, DavorFrequency and distribution of lymph node metastases in epithelial ovarian cancer : Significance of Serous Histology // International journal of gynecological cancer, 21 (2011), 2; 245-250 doi:10.1097/IGC.0b013e31820575db (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
17.Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela; Mulac-Jeričević, Biserka; Laškarin, Gordana; Dominović, Marin; Tijanic, Tamara; Sršen Medančić, Suzana; Rukavina, DanielImmunoregulation by Cytolytic Pathways, Mucins and Progesterone at the Maternal -Fetal Interface // Advances in neuroimmune biology, 2 (2011), 31-40 (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, članak, znanstveni)
18.Veljković-Vujaklija, Danijela; Gulić, Tamara; Sučić, Sonja; Nagata, Kinya; Ogawa, Kazuyuki; Laskarin, Gordana; Saito, Shigeru; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielFirst trimester pregnancy decidual natural killer cells contain and spontaneously release high quantities of granulysin // American journal of reproductive immunology, 66 (2011), 5; 363-372 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0897.2011.01015.x (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
19.Laškarin, Gordana; Redžović, Arnela; Vlastelić, Ivan; Haller, Herman; Sršen Medančić, Suzana; Solinas, Graziella; Rukavina, DanielTumor-associated glycoprotein (TAG-72) is a natural ligand for the C-type lectin-like domain that induces anti-inflammatory orientation of early pregnancy decidual CD1a+ dendritic cells // Journal of reproductive immunology, 88 (2011), 1; 12-23 doi:10.1016/j.jri.2010.10.001 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
20.Mohorović, Lucijan; Petrović, Oleg; Haller, Herman; Mićović, VladimirPregnancy loss and maternal methemoglobin levels : an indirect explanation of the association of environmental toxics and their adverse effects on the mother and the fetus // International journal of environmental research and public health, 7 (2010), 12; 4203-4212 doi:10.3390/ijerph7124203 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
21.Redžović, Arnela; Laškarin, Gordana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielDendritic cells at the tubal implantation site resemble those of uterine decidua stimulated with TAG-72 in vitro. // Book of Abstracts / Rabatić Sabina (ur.).
Zagreb: Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, 2010. str. 22-22 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
22.Laškarin, Gordana; Redžović, Arnela; Sršen Medančić, Suzana; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielProgesterone induced blocking factor (PIBF) downregulates CD91 heat shock receptor expression on decidual activated dendritic cells and NK cells. // Book of abstracts / Rabatić Sabina (ur.).
Zagreb: Hrvatsko imunološko društvo, 2010. str. 14-14 (predavanje, domaća recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
23.Laškarin, Gordana; Redžović, Arnela; Vukelić, Petar; Veljković, Daniela; Gulić, Tamara; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielPhenotype of NK cells and cytotoxic/apoptotic mediators expression in ectopic pregnancy // American journal of reproductive immunology, 64 (2010), 5; 347-358 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0897.2010.00844.x (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
24.Laškarin, Gordana; Redžović, Arnela; Vlastelić, Ivan; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielDendritic cells at the maternal fetal interface // Final Program and Abstract Book / Georgieva, Rayna (ur.).
Sofija: Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Acad. Kiril Bratanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2009. str. 44-44 (plenarno, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni) -
25.Laškarin, Gordana; Sršen-Medančić, Suzana; Redžović, Arnela; Vukelić, Petar; Gulić, Tamra; Vlastelić, Ivan; Haller, Herman; Rukavina, DanielMucine 1 hampers the proliferation and the cytolytic mediators' expression in NK cells sustained by CD14+ antigen presenting cells at the maternal-fetal interface // Journal of reproductive Immunology / Robertson, Sarah ; Ware Branch, D ; Saito, Shigeru (ur.).
Maraton, Grčka: Elsevier, 2009. str. 142-142 (poster, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)