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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 958430

Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment

Margeta, Jure; Marasović, Katja
Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment, 2018. (izvještaj).

CROSBI ID: 958430 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment

Margeta, Jure ; Marasović, Katja

IWA Specialist Group on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC)

Vrsta, podvrsta
Ostale vrste radova, izvještaj


Ključne riječi
urban water system, aqueduct, classical antiquity, Diocletian, Salona

Paper present the project project “Roman Water Systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s Palace and Their Impact on the Sustainability of the Urban Environment”, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (Project code: HRZZ IP-11- 2013-9852). Short presentation of the contents of the project, objective, methodology, results and expected contribution to the science of the ancient urban water system and arts.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


HRZZ-IP-2013-11-9852 - Antički vodni sustavi grada Salone i Dioklecijanove palače i njihov utjecaj na održivost urbane sredine (RWSCSDP) (Margeta, Jure, HRZZ ) ( CroRIS)

Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije, Split


Avatar Url Jure Margeta (autor)

Avatar Url Katja Marasović (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Margeta, Jure; Marasović, Katja
Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment, 2018. (izvještaj).
Margeta, J. & Marasović, K. (2018) Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment. IWA Specialist Group on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations (WWAC). Izvještaj.
@unknown{unknown, author = {Margeta, Jure and Marasovi\'{c}, Katja}, year = {2018}, keywords = {urban water system, aqueduct, classical antiquity, Diocletian, Salona}, title = {Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment}, keyword = {urban water system, aqueduct, classical antiquity, Diocletian, Salona} }
@unknown{unknown, author = {Margeta, Jure and Marasovi\'{c}, Katja}, year = {2018}, keywords = {urban water system, aqueduct, classical antiquity, Diocletian, Salona}, title = {Project: Roman water systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s palace and their impact on the sustainability of the urban environment}, keyword = {urban water system, aqueduct, classical antiquity, Diocletian, Salona} }

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