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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 800912

Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios

Karleuša, Barbara; Rubinić, Josip; Radman, Ivana; Volf, Goran; Krvavica, Nino
Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios // International Symposium Cross-border drinking water management : proceedings / Karleuša, Barbara ; Sušanj, Ivana (ur.).
Rijeka, 2016. str. 59-90 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 800912 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios

Karleuša, Barbara ; Rubinić, Josip ; Radman, Ivana ; Volf, Goran ; Krvavica, Nino

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u zbornicima skupova, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni

International Symposium Cross-border drinking water management : proceedings / Karleuša, Barbara ; Sušanj, Ivana - Rijeka, 2016, 59-90


International Symposium Cross-border drinking water management

Mjesto i datum
Rijeka, Hrvatska, 29.01.2016

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Međunarodna recenzija

Ključne riječi
drinking water resources; water supply; cross-border; transboundary; DRINKADRIA; water resources management; climate change; Adriatic

The aim of the Networking for Drinking Water Supply in Adriatic Region-DRINKADRIA Project is to develop a base for strategies and procedures for secure cross-border water supply with specific emphasis on water resources management in transboundary context, climate change (CC) and specific socio-economic aspects of the Adriatic region. This paper provides an overview of project activities and results so far within Work Package 4 (WP4): Cross-border water resources management. In the Adriatic region water resources are facing different human and natural pressures, causing alterations in water quantity and quality. The DRINKADRIA project focuses on cross-border water resources by defining common approaches and methodologies, cross-border protocols and measures for drinking water resources management with consideration of climate change. Partners applied common approach and methodologies for analysing the impact of climate change on water resources availability until the year 2050. Using different scenarios of changes in water demand in the future (until 2050) the Water Exploitation index (WEI) has been calculated in order to analyse the risk in test areas. 60 Water quality trends in test areas and impact of changes in landuse (due to CC and development) on water resources quality were also analysed. In last decades increased temperature and frequency of droughts and heavy precipitation events have been observed, so further task of the Project is to provide common guidelines for Water Safety Plans (including drinking water quality and quantity risk) implementation for water suppliers with proposal of response actions and emergency plans in a changing environment. A special focus will be on protection of water resources that are used for drinking in one country but part of catchment has to be protected in another country. Regulations of DRINKADRIA partner countries related to drinking water resources protection including monitoring activities will be analysed, in order to develop a common basis and unified approach to protection of transboundary aquifers used for water supply.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


Građevinski fakultet, Rijeka


Avatar Url Josip Rubinić (autor)

Avatar Url Goran Volf (autor)

Avatar Url Nino Krvavica (autor)

Avatar Url Barbara Karleuša (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Karleuša, Barbara; Rubinić, Josip; Radman, Ivana; Volf, Goran; Krvavica, Nino
Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios // International Symposium Cross-border drinking water management : proceedings / Karleuša, Barbara ; Sušanj, Ivana (ur.).
Rijeka, 2016. str. 59-90 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)
Karleuša, B., Rubinić, J., Radman, I., Volf, G. & Krvavica, N. (2016) Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios. U: Karleuša, B. & Sušanj, I. (ur.)International Symposium Cross-border drinking water management : proceedings.
@article{article, author = {Karleu\v{s}a, Barbara and Rubini\'{c}, Josip and Radman, Ivana and Volf, Goran and Krvavica, Nino}, year = {2016}, pages = {59-90}, keywords = {drinking water resources, water supply, cross-border, transboundary, DRINKADRIA, water resources management, climate change, Adriatic}, isbn = {978-953-6953-45-5}, title = {Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios}, keyword = {drinking water resources, water supply, cross-border, transboundary, DRINKADRIA, water resources management, climate change, Adriatic}, publisherplace = {Rijeka, Hrvatska} }
@article{article, author = {Karleu\v{s}a, Barbara and Rubini\'{c}, Josip and Radman, Ivana and Volf, Goran and Krvavica, Nino}, year = {2016}, pages = {59-90}, keywords = {drinking water resources, water supply, cross-border, transboundary, DRINKADRIA, water resources management, climate change, Adriatic}, isbn = {978-953-6953-45-5}, title = {Cross-Border Water Resources Management in Present Conditions and for Future Scenarios}, keyword = {drinking water resources, water supply, cross-border, transboundary, DRINKADRIA, water resources management, climate change, Adriatic}, publisherplace = {Rijeka, Hrvatska} }

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