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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 758259

What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia

Banjari, Ines; Kenjerić, Daniela; Mandić, Milena
What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia // Central European journal of public health, 23 (2015), 2; 122-127 doi:10.21101/cejph.a3962 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 758259 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia

Banjari, Ines ; Kenjerić, Daniela ; Mandić, Milena

Central European journal of public health (1210-7778) 23 (2015), 2; 122-127

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, članak, znanstveni

Ključne riječi
iron deficiency ; iron deficiency anaemia ; pregnant women ; early pregnancy ; Croatia

Studies imply that significance of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) for pregnancy outcomes is especially highlighted in the early pregnancy. Prevalence around the world varies widely, but no data is available up to date for Croatia or other surrounding countries. Therefore, the objective was to determine the prevalence of ID and IDA among pregnant women from Croatia at the first trimester. Also, the aim was to compare two criterions ; the World Health Organization (WHO) and clinical. Randomised observational population based study was set up and 265 pregnant women at the first trimester were enrolled. Based on the WHO criteria, 17.7% on haemoglobin basis and 18.5% on haematocrit basis had either ID or IDA. Clinical criteria showed that even 32.8% had either ID or IDA (transferrin saturation < 20.0%). WHO criterion shows less sensitivity, especially in detecting less severe stages of IDA. Regardless of the criteria used, ID and IDA present a mild to moderate public health problem in pregnant women population. This high share of pregnant women who are starting their pregnancy as iron deficient, presents a potentially high risk for the pregnancy outcomes, especially in terms of a newborn, and it is fully justified to treat them as diseases of public health significance.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita, Nutricionizam


113-0000000-0548 - Prehrana i životne navike u očuvanju zdravlja (Mandić, Milena, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, Osijek

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Banjari, Ines; Kenjerić, Daniela; Mandić, Milena
What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia // Central European journal of public health, 23 (2015), 2; 122-127 doi:10.21101/cejph.a3962 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
Banjari, I., Kenjerić, D. & Mandić, M. (2015) What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia. Central European journal of public health, 23 (2), 122-127 doi:10.21101/cejph.a3962.
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@article{article, author = {Banjari, Ines and Kenjeri\'{c}, Daniela and Mandi\'{c}, Milena}, year = {2015}, pages = {122-127}, DOI = {10.21101/cejph.a3962}, keywords = {iron deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia, pregnant women, early pregnancy, Croatia}, journal = {Central European journal of public health}, doi = {10.21101/cejph.a3962}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, issn = {1210-7778}, title = {What is the real public significance of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in croatia? A population-based observational study on pregnant women at early pregnancy from Eastern Croatia}, keyword = {iron deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia, pregnant women, early pregnancy, Croatia} }

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    • Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
    • SCI-EXP, SSCI i/ili A&HCI
  • Scopus


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