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Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence

Uzelac, Alan
Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence // Civil Litigation in China and Europe / C.H. van Rhee, Fu Yulin (ur.).
Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London: Springer, 2014. str. 197-221

CROSBI ID: 719263 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence

Uzelac, Alan

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Poglavlja u knjigama, znanstveni

Civil Litigation in China and Europe

C.H. van Rhee, Fu Yulin


Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London


Raspon stranica


Ključne riječi
Croatia, judges, civil procedure, efficiency

The chapter elaborates the origins and history of civil procedure in Croatia since the second half of the nineteenth century (both before and after Croatia became an independent country). After an historical introduction, the author describes the current procedural structures in civil procedure, paying special attention to the distribution of powers between the judge and the parties. Self-understanding of the national judiciary and legal scholars, which regard civil procedure to be based on adversarial principles, is contrasted with the still strong inquisitorial powers that come to surface when analysing procedural routines and practices. The final part is devoted to recent reforms in Croatian civil procedure and to the attempts to stimulate mediation and other methods of alternative dispute resolution. Ambitious reformist plans did find their reflection in various legislative projects, but the practical impact and success of those reforms is still questionable.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


066-0662501-2521 - Harmonizacija građanskog procesnog prava s pravnim sustavom Europske unije (Dika, Mihajlo, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Pravni fakultet, Zagreb


Avatar Url Alan Uzelac (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Uzelac, Alan
Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence // Civil Litigation in China and Europe / C.H. van Rhee, Fu Yulin (ur.).
Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London: Springer, 2014. str. 197-221
Uzelac, A. (2014) Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence. U: C.H. van Rhee, F. (ur.) Civil Litigation in China and Europe. Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London, Springer, str. 197-221.
@inbook{inbook, author = {Uzelac, Alan}, editor = {C.H. van Rhee, F.}, year = {2014}, pages = {197-221}, keywords = {Croatia, judges, civil procedure, efficiency}, isbn = {978-94-007-7665-4}, title = {Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence}, keyword = {Croatia, judges, civil procedure, efficiency}, publisher = {Springer}, publisherplace = {Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London} }
@inbook{inbook, author = {Uzelac, Alan}, editor = {C.H. van Rhee, F.}, year = {2014}, pages = {197-221}, keywords = {Croatia, judges, civil procedure, efficiency}, isbn = {978-94-007-7665-4}, title = {Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence}, keyword = {Croatia, judges, civil procedure, efficiency}, publisher = {Springer}, publisherplace = {Dordrecht : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : London} }

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