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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 697315

The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance

Aras, Slađana
The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance // Nobody's Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters / Uzelac, Alan ; van Rhee, C.H. (ur.).
Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland: Intersentia, 2014. str. 363-373

CROSBI ID: 697315 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance

Aras, Slađana

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Poglavlja u knjigama, znanstveni

Nobody's Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters

Uzelac, Alan ; van Rhee, C.H.


Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland


Raspon stranica


Ključne riječi
appellate court, second instance procedure, child maintenance cases

This paper analyses the basic characteristics of the second instance procedure in child maintenance cases in Croatia, and especially the cassation and reformatory (revision) powers of the second instance court, also taking into consideration certain interventions in the said procedure by the Croatian Act on Amendments to the Family Act of 2007 (AAFA 07) and the Croatian Act on Amendments to the Civil Procedure Act of 2008 (AACPA 08) and 2011 (AACPA 11). Additionally, the paper analyses data collected relating to cases where the second instance court exercised its cassation and reformatory (revision) powers in an appellate procedure regarding a first instance decision on child maintenance, the length of the second instance procedure as well as the frequency of issuing temporary injunctions relating to child maintenance. Finally, the author gives an evaluation of the Croatian regulation of the second instance procedure in maintenance cases in the context of the data collected relating to the frequency of cases when the second instance court exercised its cassation and reformatory (revision) powers, the length of the second instance procedure as well as the interventions in the second instance procedure delivered by the amendments of 2007, 2008 and 2011.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


066-0662501-2521 - Harmonizacija građanskog procesnog prava s pravnim sustavom Europske unije (Dika, Mihajlo, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Pravni fakultet, Zagreb


Avatar Url Slađana Aras Kramar (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Aras, Slađana
The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance // Nobody's Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters / Uzelac, Alan ; van Rhee, C.H. (ur.).
Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland: Intersentia, 2014. str. 363-373
Aras, S. (2014) The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance. U: Uzelac, A. & van Rhee, C. (ur.) Nobody's Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters. Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland, Intersentia, str. 363-373.
@inbook{inbook, author = {Aras, Sla\djana}, year = {2014}, pages = {363-373}, keywords = {appellate court, second instance procedure, child maintenance cases}, isbn = {978-1-78068-236-5}, title = {The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance}, keyword = {appellate court, second instance procedure, child maintenance cases}, publisher = {Intersentia}, publisherplace = {Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland} }
@inbook{inbook, author = {Aras, Sla\djana}, year = {2014}, pages = {363-373}, keywords = {appellate court, second instance procedure, child maintenance cases}, isbn = {978-1-78068-236-5}, title = {The Powers of the Appellate Court in the Context of the Effective Protection of a Child's Right to Maintenance}, keyword = {appellate court, second instance procedure, child maintenance cases}, publisher = {Intersentia}, publisherplace = {Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland} }

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