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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 690919

Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes

Neuhauser, Tina; Ugarković, Marina; Matthias Rode; Oliver Sass; Johannes Stangl
Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes // Akten des 14. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, band 11) / Trinkl, Elizabeth (ur.).
Beč: Phoibos, 2014. str. 289-295 (predavanje, nije recenziran, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), ostalo)

CROSBI ID: 690919 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes

Neuhauser, Tina ; Ugarković, Marina ; Matthias Rode ; Oliver Sass ; Johannes Stangl

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u zbornicima skupova, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), ostalo

Akten des 14. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, band 11) / Trinkl, Elizabeth - Beč : Phoibos, 2014, 289-295

978-3-85161-114- 4

14. Österreichischen Archäologentag

Mjesto i datum
Graz, Austrija, 2012

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Nije recenziran

Ključne riječi
Stobreč; Epetion; Hellenistic fortification; archaeological documentation; GPR

U radu su opisani preliminarni rezultati arheološke dokumentacije helenističkog bedema u Stobreču (Epetionu) i geofizičkih ispitivanja u neposrednoj okolini.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja

U tiskanom dijelu zbornika greškom je objavljen krivi tekst, koji je već prethodno objavljen u Keryx 2: Hellenistisches Zypern, Akten der Internationale Tagung und weiter Beitrage zur Antike. Pravi tekst tiskan je u e- obliku zbornika, te kao separat na stranicama izdavača. In the printed version of the proceedings a wrong text, that was previously published in Keryx 2: Hellenistisches Zypern, Akten der Internationale Tagung und weiter Beitrage zur Antike, was published by mistake. The right text is included in the e- publication of the proceedings, as well as a separted article on the site of the publisher.


197-1970685-0682 - Antička arheološka topografija Hrvatske (Begović, Vlasta, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb


Avatar Url Marina Ugarković (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Neuhauser, Tina; Ugarković, Marina; Matthias Rode; Oliver Sass; Johannes Stangl
Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes // Akten des 14. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, band 11) / Trinkl, Elizabeth (ur.).
Beč: Phoibos, 2014. str. 289-295 (predavanje, nije recenziran, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), ostalo)
Neuhauser, T., Ugarković, M., Matthias Rode, Oliver Sass & Johannes Stangl (2014) Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes. U: Trinkl, E. (ur.)Akten des 14. Österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, band 11).
@article{article, author = {Neuhauser, Tina and Ugarkovi\'{c}, Marina}, editor = {Trinkl, E.}, year = {2014}, pages = {289-295}, keywords = {Stobre\v{c}, Epetion, Hellenistic fortification, archaeological documentation, GPR}, isbn = {978-3-85161-114- 4}, title = {Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes}, keyword = {Stobre\v{c}, Epetion, Hellenistic fortification, archaeological documentation, GPR}, publisher = {Phoibos}, publisherplace = {Graz, Austrija} }
@article{article, author = {Neuhauser, Tina and Ugarkovi\'{c}, Marina}, editor = {Trinkl, E.}, year = {2014}, pages = {289-295}, keywords = {Stobre\v{c}, Epetion, Hellenistic fortification, archaeological documentation, GPR}, isbn = {978-3-85161-114- 4}, title = {Hellenistic fortification of Epetion (East Adriatic): Preliminary observations on the 2012 geophysical and archaeological probes}, keyword = {Stobre\v{c}, Epetion, Hellenistic fortification, archaeological documentation, GPR}, publisher = {Phoibos}, publisherplace = {Graz, Austrija} }

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