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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 68840

Ocjena točnosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima

Čelebić, Asja; Ćatić, Amir; Valentić-Peruzović, Melita; Ćatović, Adnan; Vinter, Ivan; Muretić, Ivana
Ocjena točnosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima // Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 32 (1998), 2; 283-294 (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, članak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 68840 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Ocjena točnosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima
(Assesment of the Precision of Vertical Measurments of Orthopantomographic Radiographs)

Čelebić, Asja ; Ćatić, Amir ; Valentić-Peruzović, Melita ; Ćatović, Adnan ; Vinter, Ivan ; Muretić, Ivana

Acta Stomatologica Croatica (0001-7019) 32 (1998), 2; 283-294

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, članak, znanstveni

Ključne riječi
ortopantomografija; indeks povećanja
(orthopantomographic radiographs; vertical distances)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the precision of the ver- tical dimensional measurements on orthopantomographic images, and therefore to evaluate their dimensional reliability. Different distances denoted by metal markers were measured on 25 dry mandibles. The same measurements were repeated on panoramic radiographs of those mandibles and the results were statistically anal- ysed. The calculated magnification factors for the vertical measurements were, in general, smaller than the manufacturer of the X-ray device declares, although the difference was not statistically signif cant for the most variables. C>pposite to some opinions, our results reveal that the vertical measurements on orthopantomograms are precise enough even in the anterior region of the mandible, if the mandibles are adequately positioned and encompassed in the focal through of the machine.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Dentalna medicina



Stomatološki fakultet, Zagreb

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Čelebić, Asja; Ćatić, Amir; Valentić-Peruzović, Melita; Ćatović, Adnan; Vinter, Ivan; Muretić, Ivana
Ocjena točnosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima // Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 32 (1998), 2; 283-294 (podatak o recenziji nije dostupan, članak, znanstveni)
Čelebić, A., Ćatić, A., Valentić-Peruzović, M., Ćatović, A., Vinter, I. & Muretić, I. (1998) Ocjena točnosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima. Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 32 (2), 283-294.
@article{article, author = {\v{C}elebi\'{c}, Asja and \'{C}ati\'{c}, Amir and Valenti\'{c}-Peruzovi\'{c}, Melita and \'{C}atovi\'{c}, Adnan and Vinter, Ivan and Mureti\'{c}, Ivana}, year = {1998}, pages = {283-294}, keywords = {ortopantomografija, indeks pove\'{c}anja}, journal = {Acta Stomatologica Croatica}, volume = {32}, number = {2}, issn = {0001-7019}, title = {Ocjena to\v{c}nosti mjerenja okomitih dimenzija na ortopantomogramima}, keyword = {ortopantomografija, indeks pove\'{c}anja} }
@article{article, author = {\v{C}elebi\'{c}, Asja and \'{C}ati\'{c}, Amir and Valenti\'{c}-Peruzovi\'{c}, Melita and \'{C}atovi\'{c}, Adnan and Vinter, Ivan and Mureti\'{c}, Ivana}, year = {1998}, pages = {283-294}, keywords = {orthopantomographic radiographs, vertical distances}, journal = {Acta Stomatologica Croatica}, volume = {32}, number = {2}, issn = {0001-7019}, title = {Assesment of the Precision of Vertical Measurments of Orthopantomographic Radiographs}, keyword = {orthopantomographic radiographs, vertical distances} }

Uključenost u ostale bibliografske baze podataka::

  • Index to Dental Literature/MEDLINE-MEDLARS
  • Biological Abstracts/ BIOSIS

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