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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 642729

Pricing and calibration in market models

Gehmlich, Frank; Grbac, Zorana; Schmidt, Thorsten
Pricing and calibration in market models // Credit securitisations and derivatives : challenges for the global markets / Rösch, Daniel ; Scheule, Harald (ur.).
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. str. 245-270

CROSBI ID: 642729 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Pricing and calibration in market models

Gehmlich, Frank ; Grbac, Zorana ; Schmidt, Thorsten

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Poglavlja u knjigama, znanstveni

Credit securitisations and derivatives : challenges for the global markets

Rösch, Daniel ; Scheule, Harald

John Wiley & Sons



Raspon stranica


Ključne riječi
CDO, loss process, contagion, single tranche CDO, top-down model, market model, affine processes, EM-algorithm, extended Kalman filter, iTraxx

The goal of this article is to study in detail the pricing and calibration in market models for credit portfolios. Starting from the framework of market models proposed in Eberlein, Grbac, and Schmidt (2013), we consider a slightly simplified setup which eases calibration. This leads to a new class of affine models which are highly tractable. Conditions for absence of arbitrage under various types of contagion are given and valuation formulas for single tranche CDOs and options on CDO spreads are obtained. A simple two-factor affine diffusion model is calibrated to iTraxx data using the EM-algorithm together with an extended Kalman filter. The model shows a very good fit to all tranches and all maturities over the full observation period of four years.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


037-0372790-2799 - Analiza i vjerojatnost (Šikić, Hrvoje, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Matematički odjel, Zagreb


Avatar Url Zorana Grbac (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Gehmlich, Frank; Grbac, Zorana; Schmidt, Thorsten
Pricing and calibration in market models // Credit securitisations and derivatives : challenges for the global markets / Rösch, Daniel ; Scheule, Harald (ur.).
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. str. 245-270
Gehmlich, F., Grbac, Z. & Schmidt, T. (2013) Pricing and calibration in market models. U: Rösch, D. & Scheule, H. (ur.) Credit securitisations and derivatives : challenges for the global markets. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, str. 245-270.
@inbook{inbook, author = {Gehmlich, Frank and Grbac, Zorana and Schmidt, Thorsten}, year = {2013}, pages = {245-270}, keywords = {CDO, loss process, contagion, single tranche CDO, top-down model, market model, affine processes, EM-algorithm, extended Kalman filter, iTraxx}, isbn = {978-1-119-96396-7}, title = {Pricing and calibration in market models}, keyword = {CDO, loss process, contagion, single tranche CDO, top-down model, market model, affine processes, EM-algorithm, extended Kalman filter, iTraxx}, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons}, publisherplace = {Chichester} }
@inbook{inbook, author = {Gehmlich, Frank and Grbac, Zorana and Schmidt, Thorsten}, year = {2013}, pages = {245-270}, keywords = {CDO, loss process, contagion, single tranche CDO, top-down model, market model, affine processes, EM-algorithm, extended Kalman filter, iTraxx}, isbn = {978-1-119-96396-7}, title = {Pricing and calibration in market models}, keyword = {CDO, loss process, contagion, single tranche CDO, top-down model, market model, affine processes, EM-algorithm, extended Kalman filter, iTraxx}, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons}, publisherplace = {Chichester} }

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