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Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample

Sutlović, Davorka; Nestić, Marina; Kovačić, Zdravko; Gusić, Stjepan; Mlinarek, Tajana; Salamunić, Ilza; Sardelić, Sanda
Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample // Medicine, science and the law, 53 (2013), 4; 240-243 (recenziran, članak, stručni)

CROSBI ID: 639572 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample

Sutlović, Davorka ; Nestić, Marina ; Kovačić, Zdravko ; Gusić, Stjepan ; Mlinarek, Tajana ; Salamunić, Ilza ; Sardelić, Sanda

Medicine, science and the law (0025-8024) 53 (2013), 4; 240-243

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, članak, stručni

Ključne riječi
post-mortem urine; ethanol; microbial ethanol production; ketoacidosis

We present a case in which post-mortem blood ethanol concentration was 0.02 g/kg and acetone concentration was 0.51 g/kg, while urine ethanol concentration was 6.0 g/kg and acetone concentration was 0.63 g/kg. In the urine sample, sodium fluoride was not added. The urinary ethanol concentration continued to increase without any remarkable increase of isopropanol concentration and external contamination was excluded. Species of bacteria and yeasts, including Candida glabrata, were isolated from urine and blood samples. A few days after the collection of samples, we received the information that the patient was diabetic, and did not receive insulin therapy regularly. To prevent post-mortem microbial ethanol production and wrong-making cause of death, it is necessary to add sodium fluoride to blood and urine samples collected from diabetic patients.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Temeljne medicinske znanosti, Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Farmacija


Medicinski fakultet, Zagreb,
KBC Split,
Medicinski fakultet, Split

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Sutlović, Davorka; Nestić, Marina; Kovačić, Zdravko; Gusić, Stjepan; Mlinarek, Tajana; Salamunić, Ilza; Sardelić, Sanda
Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample // Medicine, science and the law, 53 (2013), 4; 240-243 (recenziran, članak, stručni)
Sutlović, D., Nestić, M., Kovačić, Z., Gusić, S., Mlinarek, T., Salamunić, I. & Sardelić, S. (2013) Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample. Medicine, science and the law, 53 (4), 240-243.
@article{article, author = {Sutlovi\'{c}, Davorka and Nesti\'{c}, Marina and Kova\v{c}i\'{c}, Zdravko and Gusi\'{c}, Stjepan and Mlinarek, Tajana and Salamuni\'{c}, Ilza and Sardeli\'{c}, Sanda}, year = {2013}, pages = {240-243}, keywords = {post-mortem urine, ethanol, microbial ethanol production, ketoacidosis}, journal = {Medicine, science and the law}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, issn = {0025-8024}, title = {Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample}, keyword = {post-mortem urine, ethanol, microbial ethanol production, ketoacidosis} }
@article{article, author = {Sutlovi\'{c}, Davorka and Nesti\'{c}, Marina and Kova\v{c}i\'{c}, Zdravko and Gusi\'{c}, Stjepan and Mlinarek, Tajana and Salamuni\'{c}, Ilza and Sardeli\'{c}, Sanda}, year = {2013}, pages = {240-243}, keywords = {post-mortem urine, ethanol, microbial ethanol production, ketoacidosis}, journal = {Medicine, science and the law}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, issn = {0025-8024}, title = {Microbial ethanol production in postmortem urine sample}, keyword = {post-mortem urine, ethanol, microbial ethanol production, ketoacidosis} }

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  • Scopus

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