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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 626398

137cs u tlu i oborini zagrebačke regije

Šoštarić, Marko; Petrinec, Branko; Babić, Dinko
137cs u tlu i oborini zagrebačke regije // Zbornik radova IX. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja / Knežević, Željka ; Majer, Marija ; Krajcar Bronić, Ines (ur.).
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu od zračenja, 2013. str. 395-400 (poster, domaća recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 626398 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

137cs u tlu i oborini zagrebačke regije
(137cs in soil and fallout of the Zagreb region)

Šoštarić, Marko ; Petrinec, Branko ; Babić, Dinko

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u zbornicima skupova, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni

Zbornik radova IX. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja / Knežević, Željka ; Majer, Marija ; Krajcar Bronić, Ines - Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu od zračenja, 2013, 395-400


IX. simpozij Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem

Mjesto i datum
Krk, Hrvatska, 10.04.2013. - 12.04.2013

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Domaća recenzija

Ključne riječi
radioaktivnost; 137Cs; tlo; oborina; zagrebačka regija
(radioactivity; 137Cs; soil; fallout; region of Zagreb)

The Radiation Protection Unit of the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health in Zagreb monitors the activity concentrations of natural and fission-produced radionuclides in environmental samples from Croatia. In this article, we present results of the monitoring of 137Cs in soil and fallout in the period 2007-2010. We focus on differences in the activity concentrations before and after the nuclear accident in Fukushima. Activity concentrations of 137Cs were measured in samples of soil and fallout (wet and dry precipitation) from the region of Zagreb. Measurements were performed on soil samples from three different depths (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-15 cm). Samples of fallout were collected during several periods before and after the Fukushima accident. Activity concentration in fallout is presented in two different ways, by expressing results in Bq/m3 and in Bq/m2. Results expressed in Bq/m2 indicate how much activity was transferred from fallout to soil, thus relating the activity concentrations in the two media. Measurement results show that in both media, i.e., soil and fallout, the activity concentration of 137Cs increased after the Fukushima accident. In soil samples, the activity concentration increased by 9-35 percent, depending on the depth. The increase was larger for the first two sampling depths than for the third one. For fallout, we compare the mean value of activity concentrations of all the samples before the Fukushima accident with the highest activity concentration after the accident. We found an increase in the activity concentration by approximately 1600 percent in units of Bq/m3, and by approximately 200 percent in units of Bq/m2.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Fizika, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita


022-0222882-2335 - RADIOAKTIVNOST OKOLIŠA I ZAŠTITA OD ZRAČENJA (Marović, Gordana, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb


Avatar Url Dinko Babić (autor)

Avatar Url Marko Šoštarić (autor)

Avatar Url Branko Petrinec (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Šoštarić, Marko; Petrinec, Branko; Babić, Dinko
137cs u tlu i oborini zagrebačke regije // Zbornik radova IX. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja / Knežević, Željka ; Majer, Marija ; Krajcar Bronić, Ines (ur.).
Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu od zračenja, 2013. str. 395-400 (poster, domaća recenzija, cjeloviti rad (in extenso), znanstveni)
Šoštarić, M., Petrinec, B. & Babić, D. (2013) 137cs u tlu i oborini zagrebačke regije. U: Knežević, Ž., Majer, M. & Krajcar Bronić, I. (ur.)Zbornik radova IX. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja.
@article{article, author = {\v{S}o\v{s}tari\'{c}, Marko and Petrinec, Branko and Babi\'{c}, Dinko}, year = {2013}, pages = {395-400}, keywords = {radioaktivnost, 137Cs, tlo, oborina, zagreba\v{c}ka regija}, isbn = {978-953-96133-8-7}, title = {137cs u tlu i oborini zagreba\v{c}ke regije}, keyword = {radioaktivnost, 137Cs, tlo, oborina, zagreba\v{c}ka regija}, publisher = {Hrvatsko dru\v{s}tvo za za\v{s}titu od zra\v{c}enja}, publisherplace = {Krk, Hrvatska} }
@article{article, author = {\v{S}o\v{s}tari\'{c}, Marko and Petrinec, Branko and Babi\'{c}, Dinko}, year = {2013}, pages = {395-400}, keywords = {radioactivity, 137Cs, soil, fallout, region of Zagreb}, isbn = {978-953-96133-8-7}, title = {137cs in soil and fallout of the Zagreb region}, keyword = {radioactivity, 137Cs, soil, fallout, region of Zagreb}, publisher = {Hrvatsko dru\v{s}tvo za za\v{s}titu od zra\v{c}enja}, publisherplace = {Krk, Hrvatska} }

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