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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 571312

Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems

Krvavica, Nino; Ravlić, Nenad; Ružić, Igor
Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems // Book of Abstracts, 2nd Annual European Postgraduate Symposium, SDS 2012 / Narodoslawsky, Michael ; Schnitzer, Hans (ur.).
Graz: Graz University of Technology, 2012. str. 23-23 (predavanje, nije recenziran, sažetak, ostalo)

CROSBI ID: 571312 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems

Krvavica, Nino ; Ravlić, Nenad ; Ružić, Igor

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Sažeci sa skupova, sažetak, ostalo

Book of Abstracts, 2nd Annual European Postgraduate Symposium, SDS 2012 / Narodoslawsky, Michael ; Schnitzer, Hans - Graz : Graz University of Technology, 2012, 23-23


2nd Annual European Postgraduate Symposium Sustainable Development Symposium

Mjesto i datum
Graz, Austrija, 15.02.2012. - 17.02.2012

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Nije recenziran

Ključne riječi
Obalni kanalizacijski sustav; alternativni koncept; transport otpadne vode
(Coastal sewerage system; alternative concept; wastewater transport)

In the context of Croatian accession to the EU and legal requirements to implement relevant directives in urban wastewater collection- treatment-disposal sector, a number of Croatian coastal agglomerations (currently not equipped with adequate solutions) will need to upgrade their systems with new infrastructure. In terms of disturbances accompanying the progress of durable civil works, among the most sensitive are coastal collectors (interceptors) which require extensive construction works, normally taking place in spatially confined and highly urbanized city waterfront environments. In such conditions, a number of inevitable negative impacts on adjacent buildings and other urban infrastructure can be expected, mainly as a result of application of conventional (tipically very “aggressive”) construction methods. This paper presents the basis of the alternative concept of design and construction of wastewater system key buildings in coastal cities’ waterfront zones - where long-shore transport of collected wastewater must be ensured by long coastal interceptors running parallel to the shore. Prototype of the alternative solution is the result of authors’ intent to exploit and integrate different advantages of several compatible construction elements bound to co-exist in coastal environment: (a) prefabricated segmented reinforced-concrete quay-wall elements (b) open- trench-type wastewater lifting station and (c) partially submerged polyethylene sewer pipe made of continuously extruded long pipe sections. Each of the above elements has been successfully implemented in a number of previous projects, but simultaneous implementation of all three key components of the prototype solution is not recorded so far. Therefore, a number of possible environmental, structural, geotechnical and hydraulic implications of the analyzed solution were supposed to be thoroughly examined in the prototype development phase and, consequently, tested on the model scale. The intention of the authors is to present preliminary results of the study to a wider public and subject them to critical scrutiny from a multidisciplinary perspective and/or sustainability standpoint.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja



Građevinski fakultet, Rijeka


Avatar Url Nino Krvavica (autor)

Avatar Url Nenad Ravlić (autor)

Avatar Url Igor Ružić (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Krvavica, Nino; Ravlić, Nenad; Ružić, Igor
Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems // Book of Abstracts, 2nd Annual European Postgraduate Symposium, SDS 2012 / Narodoslawsky, Michael ; Schnitzer, Hans (ur.).
Graz: Graz University of Technology, 2012. str. 23-23 (predavanje, nije recenziran, sažetak, ostalo)
Krvavica, N., Ravlić, N. & Ružić, I. (2012) Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems. U: Narodoslawsky, M. & Schnitzer, H. (ur.)Book of Abstracts, 2nd Annual European Postgraduate Symposium, SDS 2012.
@article{article, author = {Krvavica, Nino and Ravli\'{c}, Nenad and Ru\v{z}i\'{c}, Igor}, year = {2012}, pages = {23-23}, keywords = {Obalni kanalizacijski sustav, alternativni koncept, transport otpadne vode}, isbn = {978-3-85125-207-1}, title = {Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems}, keyword = {Obalni kanalizacijski sustav, alternativni koncept, transport otpadne vode}, publisher = {Graz University of Technology}, publisherplace = {Graz, Austrija} }
@article{article, author = {Krvavica, Nino and Ravli\'{c}, Nenad and Ru\v{z}i\'{c}, Igor}, year = {2012}, pages = {23-23}, keywords = {Coastal sewerage system, alternative concept, wastewater transport}, isbn = {978-3-85125-207-1}, title = {Less aggressive/destructive concept of coastal interceptor construction in coastal sewerage systems}, keyword = {Coastal sewerage system, alternative concept, wastewater transport}, publisher = {Graz University of Technology}, publisherplace = {Graz, Austrija} }

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