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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 384661

Što treba znati kada izračunavamo koeficijent korelacije?

Udovičić, Martina; Baždarić Ksenija; Bilić-Zulle Lidija; Petrovečki Mladen
Što treba znati kada izračunavamo koeficijent korelacije? // Biochemia Medica, 17 (2007), 1; 10-15 (međunarodna recenzija, pregledni rad, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 384661 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Što treba znati kada izračunavamo koeficijent korelacije?
(What we need to know when calculating the coefficient of correlation?)

Udovičić, Martina ; Baždarić Ksenija ; Bilić-Zulle Lidija ; Petrovečki Mladen

Biochemia Medica (1330-0962) 17 (2007), 1; 10-15

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, pregledni rad, znanstveni

Ključne riječi
korelacija; Pearsonov koeficijent; Spearmanov koefiicjent; koeficijent determinacije; pogrješka; statistika
(correlation; Pearson's correlation coefficient; Spearman's correlation coefficient; coefficient of determination; error; statistics)

Abstract: Correlation is a statistical procedure applied to calculate association between two variables. The value of correlation is numerically shown by a coefficient of correlation, most often by Pearson's or Spearman's coefficient, while the significance of the coefficient is expressed by P value. The coefficient of correlation shows the extent to which changes in the value of one variable are correlated to changes in the value of the other. A sign preceding the coefficient of correlation (+ or -) indicates the direction of correlation. The most frequent errors in calculating correlation are related to conditions for calculation, interpretation of the coefficient and correlation significance, high correlation coefficients, assumption of causal relationship, the strength of correlation (coefficient of determination), and comparison of two correlation coefficients.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita


Medicinski fakultet, Rijeka

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Udovičić, Martina; Baždarić Ksenija; Bilić-Zulle Lidija; Petrovečki Mladen
Što treba znati kada izračunavamo koeficijent korelacije? // Biochemia Medica, 17 (2007), 1; 10-15 (međunarodna recenzija, pregledni rad, znanstveni)
Udovičić, M., Baždarić Ksenija, Bilić-Zulle Lidija & Petrovečki Mladen (2007) Što treba znati kada izračunavamo koeficijent korelacije?. Biochemia Medica, 17 (1), 10-15.
@article{article, author = {Udovi\v{c}i\'{c}, Martina}, year = {2007}, pages = {10-15}, keywords = {korelacija, Pearsonov koeficijent, Spearmanov koefiicjent, koeficijent determinacije, pogrje\v{s}ka, statistika}, journal = {Biochemia Medica}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, issn = {1330-0962}, title = {\v{S}to treba znati kada izra\v{c}unavamo koeficijent korelacije?}, keyword = {korelacija, Pearsonov koeficijent, Spearmanov koefiicjent, koeficijent determinacije, pogrje\v{s}ka, statistika} }
@article{article, author = {Udovi\v{c}i\'{c}, Martina}, year = {2007}, pages = {10-15}, keywords = {correlation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, error, statistics}, journal = {Biochemia Medica}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, issn = {1330-0962}, title = {What we need to know when calculating the coefficient of correlation?}, keyword = {correlation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, error, statistics} }

Časopis indeksira:

  • Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC)
    • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXP)
    • SCI-EXP, SSCI i/ili A&HCI
  • Scopus

Uključenost u ostale bibliografske baze podataka::

  • CA Search (Chemical Abstracts)
  • EMBASE (Excerpta Medica)

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