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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 230714

Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste

Briški, Felicita; Horgas, Nina; Vuković, Marija; Gomzi, Zoran
Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste // Technological Choices for Sustainability / Sikdar Subas, K. ; Glavič, Peter ; Jain, Ravi (ur.).
Berlin: Springer, 2004. str. 127-139 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1_8

CROSBI ID: 230714 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste

Briški, Felicita ; Horgas, Nina ; Vuković, Marija ; Gomzi, Zoran

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Poglavlja u knjigama, znanstveni

Technological Choices for Sustainability

Sikdar Subas, K. ; Glavič, Peter ; Jain, Ravi




Raspon stranica


Ključne riječi
tobacco solid waste ; nicotine ; aerobic composting ; adiabatic closed column reactor ; modeling the process

Solid waste accumulated during processing of tobacco for the cigarette manufacture contains mostly tobacco particles and flavoring agents. Its main characteristics are high content of nicotine, which is a toxic compound, and high value of total organic carbon of the aqueous extract. Due to this fact tobacco waste cannot be disposed with urban waste.The aim of this work was to stabilize tobacco solid waste by aerobic composting. The experiments were carried out in the closed thermally insulated column reactors (1.0 l and 25 l) under adiabatic conditions and at 0.9 l min-1 kg-1 of VS of airflow rate during 16 days. During the process temperature changes in the reactor, CO2 production and the numbers of mesophilic and thermophilic population in the mixed microbial culture were closely monitored. A simple empirical model was used to simulate biodegradation rate of organic fraction of solid waste. It was found out that the selected model describes aerobic composting fairly well, although only two kinetic parameters (k0 and n) were estimated.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Kemijsko inženjerstvo


MZOS-TP-02/0125-19 - Aerobno kompostiranje čvrstog otpada biljnog podrijetla (Briški, Felicita, MZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, Zagreb

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Briški, Felicita; Horgas, Nina; Vuković, Marija; Gomzi, Zoran
Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste // Technological Choices for Sustainability / Sikdar Subas, K. ; Glavič, Peter ; Jain, Ravi (ur.).
Berlin: Springer, 2004. str. 127-139 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1_8
Briški, F., Horgas, N., Vuković, M. & Gomzi, Z. (2004) Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste. U: Sikdar Subas, K., Glavič, P. & Jain, R. (ur.) Technological Choices for Sustainability. Berlin, Springer, str. 127-139 doi:10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1_8.
@inbook{inbook, author = {Bri\v{s}ki, Felicita and Horgas, Nina and Vukovi\'{c}, Marija and Gomzi, Zoran}, year = {2004}, pages = {127-139}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1\_8}, keywords = {tobacco solid waste, nicotine, aerobic composting, adiabatic closed column reactor, modeling the process}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1\_8}, isbn = {978-3-540-21131-4}, title = {Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste}, keyword = {tobacco solid waste, nicotine, aerobic composting, adiabatic closed column reactor, modeling the process}, publisher = {Springer}, publisherplace = {Berlin} }
@inbook{inbook, author = {Bri\v{s}ki, Felicita and Horgas, Nina and Vukovi\'{c}, Marija and Gomzi, Zoran}, year = {2004}, pages = {127-139}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1\_8}, keywords = {tobacco solid waste, nicotine, aerobic composting, adiabatic closed column reactor, modeling the process}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-10270-1\_8}, isbn = {978-3-540-21131-4}, title = {Kinetic Analysis of Aerobic Composting of Tobacco Industry Solid Waste}, keyword = {tobacco solid waste, nicotine, aerobic composting, adiabatic closed column reactor, modeling the process}, publisher = {Springer}, publisherplace = {Berlin} }


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