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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1229454

Edukacija radioloških tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja

Mihanović, Frane
Edukacija radioloških tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja // Book of abstracts / Gjorgijevski, Gorast (ur.).
Skopje: Macedonian Society of radiological technologist, 2022. str. 12-12 (pozvano predavanje, nije recenziran, sažetak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1229454 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Edukacija radioloških tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja
(Education of Radiological Technologist in Croatia – Three levels of higher education)

Mihanović, Frane

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Sažeci sa skupova, sažetak, znanstveni

Book of abstracts / Gjorgijevski, Gorast - Skopje : Macedonian Society of radiological technologist, 2022, 12-12

5th Congress of Southeast Europe Technology in Radiation Oncology (SEETRO 2022)

Mjesto i datum
Skopje, Sjeverna Makedonija, 07.10.2022. - 09.10.2022

Vrsta sudjelovanja
Pozvano predavanje

Vrsta recenzije
Nije recenziran

Ključne riječi
High Education, Three Levels, Radiological Technologist, Croatia

The high education of radiological technologist is demanding task and require organization of high quality theoretical and practical teaching. Education can be provided only by those teachers and experts who possess knowledge, skills and competence in specific areas of radiologic technology. In some segments of education, radiological technologist can only be trained by adequately educated and competent radiological technologists. To achieve this aim, it is necessary to implement a framework of vertical integration within a university education for a radiological technologist addressing the harmonization of European Qualifications Frameworks. In majority of European Union member states the radiological technologist education has been already moved towards a binary educational system, a system based on two levels: 6th and 7th level higher education system, and still two parallel study systems are existing, as professional and university level study. Recently there has been marked growth of new university programmed. Even the countries neighboring Croatia had established this study at university level. The aim of this model is to ensure high quality education, which can be provided only within universities which can meet the necessary criteria of excellence and are subject to an external evaluation harmonized with the criteria of the Bologna process. This model for education of radiological technologist at university level follows the recommendations specified in Croatian Qualification Framework: learning outcomes are competency-based, mobility of students and faculty is encouraged, the means of quality assurance are anticipated. University health studies are organized in three levels: first (bachelor's degree), second (master's degree) and third (doctoral degree). According to The Law on Professional Titles and Academic Degrees, these studies should proceed on three levels: university undergraduate study, university graduate study and university postgraduate study following the scheme 180+120+180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Mihanović, Frane
Edukacija radioloških tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja // Book of abstracts / Gjorgijevski, Gorast (ur.).
Skopje: Macedonian Society of radiological technologist, 2022. str. 12-12 (pozvano predavanje, nije recenziran, sažetak, znanstveni)
Mihanović, F. (2022) Edukacija radioloških tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja. U: Gjorgijevski, G. (ur.)Book of abstracts.
@article{article, author = {Mihanovi\'{c}, Frane}, editor = {Gjorgijevski, G.}, year = {2022}, pages = {12-12}, keywords = {High Education, Three Levels, Radiological Technologist, Croatia}, title = {Edukacija radiolo\v{s}kih tehnologa u Hrvatskoj - tri razine visokog obrazovanja}, keyword = {High Education, Three Levels, Radiological Technologist, Croatia}, publisher = {Macedonian Society of radiological technologist}, publisherplace = {Skopje, Sjeverna Makedonija} }
@article{article, author = {Mihanovi\'{c}, Frane}, editor = {Gjorgijevski, G.}, year = {2022}, pages = {12-12}, keywords = {High Education, Three Levels, Radiological Technologist, Croatia}, title = {Education of Radiological Technologist in Croatia – Three levels of higher education}, keyword = {High Education, Three Levels, Radiological Technologist, Croatia}, publisher = {Macedonian Society of radiological technologist}, publisherplace = {Skopje, Sjeverna Makedonija} }

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