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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1209290

Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective

Marović, Ivan; Mrak, Iva; Ambruš, Denis; Krstičević, Josip
Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective // Buildings, 12 (2022), 8; 1233, 27 doi:10.3390/buildings12081233 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1209290 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective

Marović, Ivan ; Mrak, Iva ; Ambruš, Denis ; Krstičević, Josip

Buildings (2075-5309) 12 (2022), 8; 1233, 27

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, članak, znanstveni

Ključne riječi
project management ; building intervention ; Mediterranean area ; spatial intervention ; evaluation model ; prioritization ; Historic Urban Landscape ; UN sustainable development goals

Mediterranean towns and their surroundings show specific characteristics, such as urban structure, presence of complex stratification of heritage, and often seasonality, which makes the choice of spatial organization and construction technology for building construction of high importance in relation to sustainable development. For such purpose, the SOnCT model, based on multi‐criteria decision analysis, has been developed which takes into account optimal building interventions in Mediterranean towns from a sustainable development perspective, highlighting their spatial‐technical aspects. The presented research answers the questions of how sustainable development goals can be implemented in the case of construction interventions in Mediterranean areas, especially in smaller settlements that present very fragile status and specific characteristics not comparable to northern towns. This paper presents the construction and verification of the evaluation and prioritization model for selecting the optimal spatial organization and construction technology based on the criteria of sustainability, spatial characteristics, and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Arhitektura i urbanizam, Građevinarstvo, Interdisciplinarne tehničke znanosti, Projektni menadžment


NadSve-Sveučilište u Rijeci-uniri-pr-tehnic-19-18 - Koncept za podršku odlučivanju pri održivom upravljanju urbanih sredina (DSC4SUM) (Marović, Ivan, NadSve ) ( CroRIS)

Građevinski fakultet, Rijeka


Avatar Url Denis Ambruš (autor)

Avatar Url Ivan Marović (autor)

Avatar Url Iva Mrak (autor)

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Marović, Ivan; Mrak, Iva; Ambruš, Denis; Krstičević, Josip
Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective // Buildings, 12 (2022), 8; 1233, 27 doi:10.3390/buildings12081233 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
Marović, I., Mrak, I., Ambruš, D. & Krstičević, J. (2022) Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective. Buildings, 12 (8), 1233, 27 doi:10.3390/buildings12081233.
@article{article, author = {Marovi\'{c}, Ivan and Mrak, Iva and Ambru\v{s}, Denis and Krsti\v{c}evi\'{c}, Josip}, year = {2022}, pages = {27}, DOI = {10.3390/buildings12081233}, chapter = {1233}, keywords = {project management, building intervention, Mediterranean area, spatial intervention, evaluation model, prioritization, Historic Urban Landscape, UN sustainable development goals}, journal = {Buildings}, doi = {10.3390/buildings12081233}, volume = {12}, number = {8}, issn = {2075-5309}, title = {Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective}, keyword = {project management, building intervention, Mediterranean area, spatial intervention, evaluation model, prioritization, Historic Urban Landscape, UN sustainable development goals}, chapternumber = {1233} }
@article{article, author = {Marovi\'{c}, Ivan and Mrak, Iva and Ambru\v{s}, Denis and Krsti\v{c}evi\'{c}, Josip}, year = {2022}, pages = {27}, DOI = {10.3390/buildings12081233}, chapter = {1233}, keywords = {project management, building intervention, Mediterranean area, spatial intervention, evaluation model, prioritization, Historic Urban Landscape, UN sustainable development goals}, journal = {Buildings}, doi = {10.3390/buildings12081233}, volume = {12}, number = {8}, issn = {2075-5309}, title = {Building Interventions in Mediterranean Towns— Developing a Framework for Selecting the Optimal Spatial Organization and Construction Technology from a Sustainable Development Perspective}, keyword = {project management, building intervention, Mediterranean area, spatial intervention, evaluation model, prioritization, Historic Urban Landscape, UN sustainable development goals}, chapternumber = {1233} }

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  • Current Contents Connect (CCC)
  • Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC)
    • Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXP)
    • Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
    • SCI-EXP, SSCI i/ili A&HCI
    • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Scopus


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