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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1196595

Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context

Dubovicki, Snježana; Moritz Ivana; Mihelčić, Suzana
Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context // International Conference Didactic Challenges IV Futures Studies in Education, Book of Abstracts / Dubovicki, Snježana ; Huljev, Antonija (ur.).
Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education, 2022. str. 61-63 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1196595 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context

Dubovicki, Snježana ; Moritz Ivana ; Mihelčić, Suzana

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Sažeci sa skupova, sažetak, znanstveni

International Conference Didactic Challenges IV Futures Studies in Education, Book of Abstracts / Dubovicki, Snježana ; Huljev, Antonija - Osijek : Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education, 2022, 61-63


International Conference Didactic Challenges 4: Futures Studies in Education

Mjesto i datum
Osijek, Hrvatska, 26.05.2022. - 27.05.2022

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Međunarodna recenzija

Ključne riječi
Establishment, research methods and future prediction, Croatian context

It is well known to the academic, scientific and professional public in the Republic of Croatia that research seeks to explain, prevent and improve various challenges in the frames of various professions within which research is connected. Also, it is known that it is desirable to use more research techniques in order to make the approach to the researched problem/challenge as objective and as complete as possible. In this study, the focus will be on research conducted in the field of education, particularly in the field of pedagogy. This certainly includes research methods with which we can predict future challenges and events that may follow (in the near and/or distant) future and thus mitigate, prevent or improve them. The methods by which we research and predict the future are better known to the Croatian public as futuristic research methods. Globally, futuristic research methods are better known as futures studies. Given that in the Republic of Croatia we still do not have uniform expressions for translations of different research methods, this paper will be an attempt to address this challenge. The reason for this is different translations from English into the Croatian context, so occasionally the same research method in Croatian literature can be found under different names, which is certainly confusing for those who are new to this field, but also for reviewers who accept such papers. The study gives an overview of the most important futuristic research methods that are most often used in research on education in the Croatian context, but also suggests the name of the method in the Croatian language: Delfi metoda (Delphi Method), Uzročno-slojevita analiza (Causal Layered Analysis - CLA), Skeniranje okoliša (Environmental Scanning), Planiranje scenarija (Scenario planning), Morfološka analiza (Morphological analysis), Buduća povijest (Future history), Metoda praćenja (Monitoring), Metoda analize sadržaja (Content analysis), Metoda planiranja unazad (Backcasting), Metoda retrovizora (Back- view mirror analysis), Metoda analize međuutjecaja (Cross impact analysis), Metoda analize trenda (Trend analysis), Radionica budućnosti (Future workshops), Biografije budućnosti (Futures biographies/imagining), Metoda kotač budućnosti, (Futures wheel), Stablo važnosti (Relevance tree), Metoda simulacije i modeliranja (Simulation and modeling), Analiza socijalne mreže (Social network analysis - SNA), Sistemski inženjering (Systems engineering), Vizioniranje (Visioning), Adaptivna igra uloga (Adaptive role playing), Metoda planiranja unaprijed (Forecasting), Polakova igra (Polak game or Where Do You Stand?).

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


FOOZOS--IZIP – AFMI – 202022 - Afirmacija futurologije i futuroloških metoda u istraživanjima budućih učitelja i odgojitelja (Dubovicki, Snježana, FOOZOS ) ( CroRIS)

Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti, Osijek


Avatar Url Snježana Dubovicki (autor)

Avatar Url Ivana Moritz (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Dubovicki, Snježana; Moritz Ivana; Mihelčić, Suzana
Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context // International Conference Didactic Challenges IV Futures Studies in Education, Book of Abstracts / Dubovicki, Snježana ; Huljev, Antonija (ur.).
Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education, 2022. str. 61-63 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)
Dubovicki, S., Moritz Ivana & Mihelčić, S. (2022) Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context. U: Dubovicki, S. & Huljev, A. (ur.)International Conference Didactic Challenges IV Futures Studies in Education, Book of Abstracts.
@article{article, author = {Dubovicki, Snje\v{z}ana and Mihel\v{c}i\'{c}, Suzana}, year = {2022}, pages = {61-63}, keywords = {Establishment, research methods and future prediction, Croatian context}, isbn = {978-953-8371-02-8}, title = {Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context}, keyword = {Establishment, research methods and future prediction, Croatian context}, publisher = {Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education}, publisherplace = {Osijek, Hrvatska} }
@article{article, author = {Dubovicki, Snje\v{z}ana and Mihel\v{c}i\'{c}, Suzana}, year = {2022}, pages = {61-63}, keywords = {Establishment, research methods and future prediction, Croatian context}, isbn = {978-953-8371-02-8}, title = {Linguistic establishment of methods for predicting and researching the future in the Croatian context}, keyword = {Establishment, research methods and future prediction, Croatian context}, publisher = {Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education}, publisherplace = {Osijek, Hrvatska} }

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