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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1193995

Alcohol as a public health problem

Jerončić Tomić, Iris
Alcohol as a public health problem // 12. hrvatski Cochrane simpozij "Cochraneovi dokazi za unaprjeđenje javnoga zdravstva u doba COVIDA-19"
Split, Hrvatska, 2020. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1193995 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Alcohol as a public health problem

Jerončić Tomić, Iris

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Sažeci sa skupova, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni

12. hrvatski Cochrane simpozij "Cochraneovi dokazi za unaprjeđenje javnoga zdravstva u doba COVIDA-19"

Mjesto i datum
Split, Hrvatska, 03.12.2020. - 04.12.2020

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Međunarodna recenzija

Ključne riječi
Alcoholism - prevention and control, Consuming alcohol - adverse effects, Harm Reduction, Croatia in EU

Harmful use of alcohol caused a significant medical, social and economic burden on society. Alcohol is one of the world’s top three priority areas in public health. Even though only half the global population drinks alcohol, it is the world’s third leading cause of ill health and premature death, a low birth weight and unsafe sex. Alcohol is a cause of noncommunicable diseases: cancers, cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases but also is risk for communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and community-acquired pneumonia ; and all types of injury, including homicides and suicides. Alcohol harms people other than the drinker, whether through violence on the street, domestic violence in the family, or simply using government resources, notably through the costs of providing health care, unemployment and incapacity benefits, and dealing with crime and disorder. There are many individual differences in the consuming of alcohol between country EU. Drinking alcohol is culturally and socially acceptable, and is deeply rooted in Croatian culture. Drinking alcoholic beverages is culturally acceptable form of behaviours, present in many family and social gatherings. Croatia aims to reduce the harmful of consuming alcohol by introducing public health interventions and policy measures.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita


Medicinski fakultet, Split


Avatar Url Iris Jerončić Tomić (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Jerončić Tomić, Iris
Alcohol as a public health problem // 12. hrvatski Cochrane simpozij "Cochraneovi dokazi za unaprjeđenje javnoga zdravstva u doba COVIDA-19"
Split, Hrvatska, 2020. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, neobjavljeni rad, znanstveni)
Jerončić Tomić, I. (2020) Alcohol as a public health problem. U: 12. hrvatski Cochrane simpozij "Cochraneovi dokazi za unaprjeđenje javnoga zdravstva u doba COVIDA-19".
@article{article, author = {Jeron\v{c}i\'{c} Tomi\'{c}, Iris}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Alcoholism - prevention and control, Consuming alcohol - adverse effects, Harm Reduction, Croatia in EU}, title = {Alcohol as a public health problem}, keyword = {Alcoholism - prevention and control, Consuming alcohol - adverse effects, Harm Reduction, Croatia in EU}, publisherplace = {Split, Hrvatska} }
@article{article, author = {Jeron\v{c}i\'{c} Tomi\'{c}, Iris}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Alcoholism - prevention and control, Consuming alcohol - adverse effects, Harm Reduction, Croatia in EU}, title = {Alcohol as a public health problem}, keyword = {Alcoholism - prevention and control, Consuming alcohol - adverse effects, Harm Reduction, Croatia in EU}, publisherplace = {Split, Hrvatska} }

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