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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1159825

PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science

Konjević, Sofija; Čaja, Lovorka
PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science, 2021. (izvještaj).

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PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science

Konjević, Sofija ; Čaja, Lovorka

EASE Digest

Vrsta, podvrsta
Ostale vrste radova, izvještaj


Ključne riječi
PUBMET2021 ; scholarly publishing ; open access

The work gives an insight of what had happened at PUBMET2021 Conference that was held 15-17 September 2021 online.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti


Institut "Ruđer Bošković", Zagreb


Avatar Url Sofija Konjević (autor)

Avatar Url Lovorka Čaja (autor)

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Konjević, Sofija; Čaja, Lovorka
PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science, 2021. (izvještaj).
Konjević, S. & Čaja, L. (2021) PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science. EASE Digest. Izvještaj.
@unknown{unknown, author = {Konjevi\'{c}, Sofija and \v{C}aja, Lovorka}, year = {2021}, keywords = {PUBMET2021, scholarly publishing, open access}, title = {PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science}, keyword = {PUBMET2021, scholarly publishing, open access} }
@unknown{unknown, author = {Konjevi\'{c}, Sofija and \v{C}aja, Lovorka}, year = {2021}, keywords = {PUBMET2021, scholarly publishing, open access}, title = {PUBMET 2021 - The 8th conference on scholarly communication and publishing in the context of Open science}, keyword = {PUBMET2021, scholarly publishing, open access} }

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