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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1132460

Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school

Aladrović Slovaček, Katarina; Cvikić, Lidija; Rimac Jurinović, Maša
Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school // O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre/On Child, Language and Literature, 2021 (2021), 1; 60-73 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1132460 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school

Aladrović Slovaček, Katarina ; Cvikić, Lidija ; Rimac Jurinović, Maša

O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre/On Child, Language and Literature (1339-3200) 2021 (2021), 1; 60-73

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Radovi u časopisima, članak, znanstveni

Ključne riječi
textbooks, Croatian language, lexical diversity, lexical density, vocabulary

E reform processes in the education system of the Republic of Croatia began in 2005, and in 2019 new, competence-oriented, modern curricula of all school subjects were introduced, accompa- nied by new paradigms of teaching and assessment. ese changes are re ected in the textbooks, one of the basic sources of pupils’ knowledge. e textbooks must be harmonized with the curriculum in their content and pedagogical approach, and linguistically suitable for pupils. Textbook language appropriateness is crucial for the lower- level primary school pupils (age 6-10) since their language development is not yet complete. Serving as a source of language input for pupils, textbooks will a ect pupils’ language development, especially lexical. is paper explores lexical features of tex- tbooks for three 1st grade subjects of primary school: the Croatian language (a mother tongue), Mathematics, and Science and Society. Using the corpus linguistic tool Sketch Engine, an analysis of the textbooks’ vocabulary was conducted. e analysis showed that the textbook vocabularies di er quantitatively (by the number of words they contain, the length of texts, and the mean sentence len- gth), as well as qualitatively (by the representation and frequency of individual words).

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja


Učiteljski fakultet, Zagreb

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Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Aladrović Slovaček, Katarina; Cvikić, Lidija; Rimac Jurinović, Maša
Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school // O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre/On Child, Language and Literature, 2021 (2021), 1; 60-73 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
Aladrović Slovaček, K., Cvikić, L. & Rimac Jurinović, M. (2021) Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school. O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre/On Child, Language and Literature, 2021 (1), 60-73.
@article{article, author = {Aladrovi\'{c} Slova\v{c}ek, Katarina and Cviki\'{c}, Lidija and Rimac Jurinovi\'{c}, Ma\v{s}a}, year = {2021}, pages = {60-73}, keywords = {textbooks, Croatian language, lexical diversity, lexical density, vocabulary}, journal = {O die\v{t}ati, jazyku, literat\'{u}re/On Child, Language and Literature}, volume = {2021}, number = {1}, issn = {1339-3200}, title = {Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school}, keyword = {textbooks, Croatian language, lexical diversity, lexical density, vocabulary} }
@article{article, author = {Aladrovi\'{c} Slova\v{c}ek, Katarina and Cviki\'{c}, Lidija and Rimac Jurinovi\'{c}, Ma\v{s}a}, year = {2021}, pages = {60-73}, keywords = {textbooks, Croatian language, lexical diversity, lexical density, vocabulary}, journal = {O die\v{t}ati, jazyku, literat\'{u}re/On Child, Language and Literature}, volume = {2021}, number = {1}, issn = {1339-3200}, title = {Lexical features of Croatian Language textbooks for the firts grade of primary school}, keyword = {textbooks, Croatian language, lexical diversity, lexical density, vocabulary} }

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