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Pregled bibliografske jedinice broj: 1099226

Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society?

Vuk, Ružica; Spevec, Dubravka
Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society? // EUROGEO 2019 “Teaching Geography in challenging times“
Pariz, Francuska, 2019. str. 31-31 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)

CROSBI ID: 1099226 Za ispravke kontaktirajte CROSBI podršku putem web obrasca

Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society?

Vuk, Ružica ; Spevec, Dubravka

Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija rada
Sažeci sa skupova, sažetak, znanstveni

EUROGEO 2019 “Teaching Geography in challenging times“ / - , 2019, 31-31

The EUROGEO 2019 Conference: Teaching Geography in challenging times (EUROGEO 2019)

Mjesto i datum
Pariz, Francuska, 14.03.2019. - 15.03.2019

Vrsta sudjelovanja

Vrsta recenzije
Međunarodna recenzija

Ključne riječi
geographical literacy, geographical education, geography curriculum, Croatia

Today Croatian society is facing many challenges – on local, national and global level. Questions related to organization and space management, inclusive and sustainable resources management – especially of drinking water, uneven regional development, advanced depopulation and population aging, solving border issues, contemporary migration, climate change and many other questions reflect on everyday life of people, especially younger population, but also on Croatian society as a whole. In order to be able to make decisions, young people must be informed and educated how to use accessible geographical data, avoiding possible manipulations that they are exposed to in the era of advanced technological development and overall accessibility of verified and unverified (geographical) information. One of the most important questions in the Croatian society nowadays is how to plan and carry out education in challenging times. Geographical education, that should offer young people relevant answers on many questions concerning contemporary development, contribute to their role of responsible citizens, and prepare them for challenges in both personal and professional growth in 21st century, has a very important role. The national curriculum of geography does answer the needs of contemporary society and world around us, most of all during 3rd and 4th year of grammar school education, providing young people answers on earlier mentioned questions. The key learning outcomes that provide it include topics on demographic (un)sustainability, climate change, activities of international community in resolving problems of global warming, contemporary changes in urban settlements and its surrounding areas, sustainable management of sea and sea bed resources, impact of megaprojects on environment, influence of globalization on national identity and sovereignty, geopolitical, economic and cultural-civilizational aspects of world division, places where to spend free time, influence of natural-geographical and socio- geographical factors on appearance and spread of diseases and health quality, significance of state borders in contemporary world and uneven food accessibility. All learning outcomes in national curriculum of geography are achieved based on examples from Croatia and world. The learning outcomes in the 3rd year of grammar school education give answers to questions of sustainability, and in the 4th year of grammar school education they contribute to students’ awareness of the importance of identity in globalized society and provide use of geographical literacy, communication and social skills for critical analysis of spatial problems in order to identify creative and innovative solutions in everyday life and for lifelong learning. So far numerous researches have confirmed overall dissatisfaction with former geographical education in Croatia, so expectations are big. Will new geography curriculum in Croatia fulfil expectations? The answers will be provided by continuous observation and evaluation of new curriculum implementation, and also by longitudinal study and research of geographical education.

Izvorni jezik

Znanstvena područja
Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti, Geografija


Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb


Avatar Url Dubravka Spevec (autor)

Avatar Url Ružica Vuk (autor)

Citiraj ovu publikaciju:

Vuk, Ružica; Spevec, Dubravka
Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society? // EUROGEO 2019 “Teaching Geography in challenging times“
Pariz, Francuska, 2019. str. 31-31 (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, sažetak, znanstveni)
Vuk, R. & Spevec, D. (2019) Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society?. U: EUROGEO 2019 “Teaching Geography in challenging times“.
@article{article, author = {Vuk, Ru\v{z}ica and Spevec, Dubravka}, year = {2019}, pages = {31-31}, keywords = {geographical literacy, geographical education, geography curriculum, Croatia}, title = {Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society?}, keyword = {geographical literacy, geographical education, geography curriculum, Croatia}, publisherplace = {Pariz, Francuska} }
@article{article, author = {Vuk, Ru\v{z}ica and Spevec, Dubravka}, year = {2019}, pages = {31-31}, keywords = {geographical literacy, geographical education, geography curriculum, Croatia}, title = {Does geography education in Croatia responds to needs of contemporary society?}, keyword = {geographical literacy, geographical education, geography curriculum, Croatia}, publisherplace = {Pariz, Francuska} }

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