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Slika profila

Ana-Maria Šimundić




dr. sc.

Naziv Uloga Akcije
Upala i udio farmakogenetike u razvoju i ishodu akutnih i kroničnih bolesti voditelj
Žene u sportu: primjenjivost dostupnih referentnih intervala za parametre upale i koagulacije suradnik
Naziv Akcije
Čičak, Helena; Šarčević, Željka; Dukić, Lora; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Estimation of precision and comparison of fCAL turbo (Buhlmann Laboratories) and GCAL Gentian (Gentian Diagnostics) reagents for calprotectin in serum matrix // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 61, s1. 2023. str. s182-s323
Bukvić, Frane; Ivković, Alan; Čičak, Helena; Dukić, Lora; Šimundić, Ana-Maria; Marijančević, Domagoj; Pašalić, Daria The Association of Serum Calprotectin with Fitness Indicators and Biochemical Markers in High-Level Athletes: A Continuous Dynamic Monitoring during One Competitive Season // Sports, 11 (2023), 12; 243, 13. doi: 10.3390/sports11120243
Čičak, Helena; Šarčević, Željka; Bukvić, Frane; Dukić, Lora; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Short-term stability of serum calprotectin at -80°C // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 61, s1. 2023. str. s1852-s1924
Čičak, Helena; Bulat, Stjepan; Jeličić, Joško; Radišić Biljak, Vanja; Ivković, Alan; Dukić, Lora; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Six-week stability of synovial fluid calprotectin at -20°C // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 61. 2023. str. S1376-S1471 doi: 10.1515/cclm-2023-7051
Čičak, Helena; Dukić, Lora; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Verification of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide IgG antibodies in synovial fluid // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 61, s1. 2023. str. s182-s323
Čičak, Helena ; Šonjić, Pavica ; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Verification of automatic analysers Roller 20PN and iSED for measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate // Biochemia medica, 32 (2022), 1; 010708, 8. doi: 10.11613/BM.2022.010708
Đuras, Anamarija ; Cesar Kocijan, Valentina ; Rade, Anamarija ; Lipovec, Renata ; Ostroški, Ivanka ; Radišić Biljak, Vanja ; Šimundić, Ana- Maria Serum and urine osmolality: 8 hours, 24 hours and 1-month sample stability // Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation, 82 (2022), 4; 283-289. doi: 10.1080/00365513.2022.2079094
Cadamuro, Janne ; Baird, Geoffrey ; Baumann, Gabriele ; Bolenius, Karin ; Cornes, Michael ; Ibarz, Mercedes ; Lewis, Tom ; Oliveira, Gabriel Lima ; Lippi, Giuseppe ; Plebani, Mario et al. Preanalytical quality improvement - an interdisciplinary journey, on behalf of the European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE) // Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 60 (2022), 5; 662-668
Čičak, Helena ; Radišić Biljak, Vanja ; Šimundić, Ana-Maria Verification of a 6-part differential haematology analyser Siemens Advia 2120i // Biochemia medica, 32 (2022), 2; 020710, 7. doi: 10.11613/BM.2022.020710
Kostanjšak, Tara; Bojanić, Krunoslav; Čičak, Helena; Gotić, Jelena; Vrbanac, Zoran; Šimundić, Ana-Maria; Vnuk, Dražen; Brkljača Bottegaro, Nika Is canine calprotectin in serum stabile after storage at low temperature? // BMC Veterinary Research, 18 (2022), 451, 8. doi: 10.1186/s12917-022-03534-8
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